| 39 Matamata Piako - Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust A critical investment for Ngāti Hauā has been the establishment of a blueberry orchard, on Maungatapu D4 land situated at Roache Rd, Morrinsville. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT w McCaw Lewis is proud to partner with the Ngaati Hauaa Iwi Trust He waka eke noa - We are all in this together - PH 07 838 2079 | WWW.MCCAWLEWIS.CO.NZ With the three underpinning values of Manaakitanga, Kotahitanga and Whaaia te iti Kahurangi it is no wonder that Waikato-based law irm McCaw Lewis has developed a deep and meaningful connection with the aspirations of iwi and hapuu across Aotearoa. Renika Siciliano, Executive Director of the thriving 102-year-old company, says that in the last twenty years in particular there has been a real desire to move into all spaces that will assist iwi, hapuu and whaanau. “This has taken our work out of the Waikato. We consider ourselves very privileged to have established these very valuable working relationships with communities that are achieving wonderful outcomes for their people.” The values, Renika says, are ingrained throughout the o ice and their importance really resonates. “It’s not just pumping out documents and opinions, or attending hui, but having a genuine team of lawyers who can use their skills to help these groups ind their own best path forward; and this is extremely satisfying for us.” As co-leader of McCaw Lewis’s Maaori Legal Team, Renika describes the culture of the practice as having a focus on quality mahi with a deep commitment to provide clients with the very best o ering of legal and strategic support. Director Laura Monahan, who has He waka eke noa – we are all in this together recently taken up the role of leading the practice’s Maaori commercial activity, says this era is extraordinarily exciting, particularly for iwi organisations who, post-settlement, are often responsible for substantial assets. “Our team is very much about getting the job done in a way that isn’t over-lawyering it or hindering its progress.” Laura says she has found it a real pleasure to work with Maaori groups. “Their commercial and legal issues are often the same as any other entity, but you have the added layer of often considering the views of more people and groups in progressing a matter. Iwi look longer term; looking after future generations rather than just seeking immediate gains,” Laura says. Renika says for a practice which has delivered legal services for over a century, the company itself has an intimate size and feel to it. “We have about 40 sta at the moment and it’s been a conscious decision on our part to stay around this size. We want to be big enough to service our clients but stay small enough to be true to ourselves and our clients, to stay client intimate and whaanau based.” McCaw Lewis also specialises in commercial, property, dispute resolution, asset planning, environmental/natural resources and workplace law.