Business Central April 2021

| 65 Contracting services in demand T Sue Russell John Clark Contracting has a wide array of equipment for any rural job. John Clark Contracting CONTRACTING For nearly a quarter-century Otorohanga contractors John & Julie Clark have built up their business and service offering to farmers over a large area. Today, they employ a team of 12 staff and the fleet extends to three truck-and-trailer units, 12 Fendt tractors -a 933, 2 x 824, 2 x 724, 820, 818, 722, 720, 712 and 2 smaller front end loader tractors, plus a New Holland 780 Forage Harvester, 4 WD Spray Truck and various cultivation and harvesting equipment including 2 Kuhn Round Combi Balers and a Case Big Square Baler. Work can take the team anywhere from local clients from Te Awamutu south, through Otorohanga and Te Kuiti to Taumarunui and out to the coast at Marakopa, including leased blocks in Taupo and Turangi. John says he’s pleased with what the company has attained and the reputation it enjoys and when asked about the future growth aspirations he puts it this way: “To a degree when you first start you are forced to grow bigger to get to a scale of operation that works. I’m always conscious of making sure my clients get the service they deserve.” He’s actively engaged on the equipment and is thankful that in October last year, he was able to get dispensation to bring in two overseas staff. “It’s been really tough with Covid restrictions in place. Usually we bring in six highly skilled operators from overseas but last year this wasn’t possible.” These overseas workers also mean that John can provide enough work throughout the whole year for his local team, as the overseas crew return at the end of the peak season. There’s a strong ebb and flow to the year’s activity with the season-proper underway from September, where essential groundwork for maize and crops is undertaken. This is followed by baling and cutting pit silage through to Christmas gathering round and square bale silage for winter feeding. “Then we’re on to hay through January and February and carting bales with our trucks. “By early March maize silage starts and this is followed by drilling back all the crop paddocks into grass in April/May, so it’s a full-on season.” When there is down time maintenance of the fleet is carried out. “We also run a digger and bulldozer service which keeps my permanent staff busy through winter.” John has also noticed the impact seasonal climate changes are having, describing it as either a feast or a famine. Julie is the Zone 1 Chairman for the NZ Rural Contractors Association, which covers Taupo north, and is one of four zones that covers the country. Each zone has two councillors on the national executive. “It’s a very important organisation for rural contractors. They advocate for members with the Government and with transport and immigration agencies,” Julie explains. She says just as much as the nuts and bolts of lobbying and ensuring contractors rights are advocated for, the organisation also makes a point of having fun when members meet at national meetings. This year, that meeting will take place in Rotorua and will celebrate 25 years for the organisation. “We didn’t have a meeting last year due to COVID so we’re celebrating 25 years in our 26th,” says Julie. Among issues discussed will be ongoing challenges of finding enough staff for the demands that are put upon contractors nationally. “We would normally take up to 1000 skilled operators from overseas and this year we have approval for 210.” One of the key tensions for contracting operators is managing fatigue, with on-average 14 hour days. “Staff health and safety is paramount and we always ensure the team have support if needed, however our staff are very experienced on the job and together we make it work, even juggling bad-weather which puts on additional demand,” says Julie. Si-Lac fresh culture silage bacteria Coveris bale wrap film Silage covers 150 micron, underlay sheet & double covers & bags Heavy duty Pro-net and Net replacement films Baling Twines from conventional to High density Zill stack protection and weighting systems Si-Lac Extra for high moisture hay up to 25% Kevin – 027 521 8991 – Nthn NI Charles – 027 284 1400 – Sthn NI Gary – 027 284 1440 – Nthn SI Jared – 027 284 1401 – Sthn SI