76 | “It’s about the orchardists controlling their destiny, participating in every part of the business and taking complete ownership.” Growers benefit from group approach T T Karen Phelps Mt Erin Group HORTICULTURE A unique business structure has enabled Mt Erin Group to establish a successful sustainable business, able to weather the Covid-19 environment, say group marketing manager Jono Wiltshire and Mt Erin Group shareholder Lesley Wilson. “We’ve shown a way for growers to come together and achieve vertical integration while maintaining their own independent businesses,” says Lesley. The group was started seven years ago as the like-minded growers recognised the strengths and benefits of working together. Jono says the group consists of several family owned and operated apple orchards that have come together as one to market, export and distribute to over 70 countries. T T to page 78 Jono says that Mt Erin Group is not focused on just making money in the present but on creating sustainable long-term businesses that can be passed from generation to generation. “It’s about the orchardists controlling their destiny, participating in every part of the business and taking complete ownership,” says Jono. “We saw an opportunity to take control of the supply chain from orchard to customer. We now know where each apple is going and the price it is achieving,” adds Lesley. They say the model has allowed Mt Erin Group to react quickly to curveballs thrown by Covid-19 and work together to find solutions. This has also translated into reacting rapidly to markets, supplying new markets and growing specific product. “Being small allows us to look for new opportunities and tap into them quickly,” says Lesley. “Mt Erin is its own brand and is in control of its own parameters,” says Jono. “The orchardists can easily sit down and toss ideas round, talk through and share problems and find solutions.” “Although we are individual orchards we see Mt Erin as a group and look for its overall success not just individual success,” adds Lesley. For example the group is presently working on some novel ways to deal with the imminent labour shortage this season due to Covid-19. Lesley says that markets have remained strong for their product, especially as China got control of the virus fairly quickly and its economy bounced back. Other major export markets, which rely heavily on tourism, such as Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong have been weaker. Congratulations to Mt Erin Fruit Services on the successful start up of their new pack house! Snap Software is proud to count Mt Erin among our valued clients that collectively pack over 30% of the New Zealand apple crop and distribute more than $150,000,000 in sales back to growers each year. Our modern web-based Snap software platform enables growers, packers, cool stores and marketing companies to meet the ever-increasing challenges to supply quality produce to markets around the world. Traceable, transparent, and auditable processes are focused on maximum efficiency to reduce cost and ensure the best return. For more information see www.snapsoftware.nz or call us on (06) 879 4850.