Business Central April 2022

2 | Contents 26| Wharf upgrade on track The 6 Wharf project at Napier Port is tracking well ahead of the programmed completion date. 50| Diverse offering Embracing a total of 42,000ha, Atihau Whanganui’s agricultural operations are diverse and productive. 70| Top timber A successful collaboration between key industry players has resulted in a world-first use of timber in a three level commercial building. 50 70 26 These conditions are prescribed for the sake of understanding between the Company and its clients. Advertising is charged for on the basis of space taken up using a standard tabloid page. Actual space may be reduced during the printing process but this will effect all advertisers equally so no credit will be given for any reduction in size due to processing. The Company reserves the right to alter, change or omit entirely any advertisement or article that it considers to be objectionable or which may contravene any law. In the event of a failure on the part of the Company to insert advertising as instructed the Company may publish the advertisement at the first available subsequent reasonable date unless the advertisement features date sensitive material. Every care shall be taken to publish the advertisement in accordance with the advertisers instructions as to page and position but the Company reserves the right for whatever reason to place advertising in a different position and in doing so shall incur no liability whatsoever. Advertisers must advise Business Central immediately of any error or omission in advertisements and shall work constructively to remedy the situation which in the first instance shall be a rerun of the corrected advertisement in the next available issue of Business Central. Where advertisement proofs have been faxed or mailed to the client 48 hours prior to the nominated printing cutoff time acquiesce shall be taken as confirmation and acceptance. Corrections made by telephone shall be accepted but the Company reserves the right to decide whether a further proof should be faxed or mailed to the client. Accounts for advertising are due for payment within seven days of publication of the newspaper. Accounts not paid within this time may incur a penalty of 3% per month until the account is paid. Any debt collection costs incurred by the Company will be added to the account of the debtor. Views and opinions expressed in Business Central are not necessarily those of the editors, Waterford Press Ltd or publisher. Business Central welcomes contributions from freelance writers & journalists. All articles published at editors discretion. Business Central accepts no responsibilty for loss of photos or manuscripts. #businesscentral #yourstory   OUR PARTNERS: Palmerston North Council .................................. 03 Palmerston North Airport ................................... 04 UCOL...................................................................... 07 Fonterra Research and Development Centre .. 08 Higgins Family Holdings ...................................... 10 Stewarts Mitre 10................................................. 18 Ashhurst Engineering & Construction............... 20 Turitea Wind Farm............................................... 23 Taranaki Regional Council .................................. 24 HEB Construction................................................. 26 The Perry Group - Te Awa lakes ......................... 32 South Waikato District Council .......................... 38 DPS Developments .............................................. 39 Blue Pacific Minerals ............................................ 42 Wood Marketing Services ................................... 44 Ovation NZ............................................................ 45 Performance Beef Breeders ............................... 48 Atihau Whanganui Inc ......................................... 50 Tweeddale Apiaries ............................................. 54 Brittons House Movers ....................................... 56 Geo40 .................................................................... 57 Primo ..................................................................... 58 HEL Rimu Electrical .............................................. 60 MS Civil Construction .......................................... 62 Fulton Hogan East Coast ..................................... 63 Hutt Gas & Plumbing........................................... 64 Major Consulting Group...................................... 65 ANZCO Foods Waitara......................................... 66 Corson Grain ........................................................ 68 RTA Studio............................................................. 70 Chow Hill Architects............................................. 73 Chris Bell Construction........................................ 74 Beeson Brothers Building .................................. 76 Nixon Homes........................................................ 78 Richards Construction......................................... 79 Wilson Building..................................................... 80 Haimes Building ................................................... 82 DStevens ............................................................... 86 Wairarapa College................................................ 87 Oxygen .................................................................. 90 Port Taranaki ........................................................ 92 Christchurch Office 112 Wrights Road, Addington, Christchurch Phone 03-983 5500 PO Box 37 346 Queenstown Office 70 Glenda Drive, Queenstown 9300 PO Box 2581, Wakatipu MANAGING DIRECTOR James Lynch EDITORIAL Editor Nick Gormack Sub-editors Paul Mein, Randall Johnston Journalists Hugh de Lacy, Kelly Deeks, Russell Fredric, Richard Loader, Kim Newth, Sue Russell, Karen Phelps, Virginia Wright RESEARCH & MARKETING James Anderson, Sam Dart, Chris Graves, Megan Hawkins, Allan J Knowles, Chris McPhee, Colin Morais, Annie Patrick, Chris Pearce, Danielle Percival, Adam Shirra, Alasdair Thomson, Jane Watson PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT General Manager Luke Lynch Graphic Artists Connor Gosnell, Anton Gray, Nick King, Sophie McCleary, Liki Udam CONTENT COORDINATORS Alissa Crosby, Ann-Marie Frentz OFFICE AND ACCOUNTS Manager Helen Bourne Jill Holland