Business Central April 2022

| 5 Call 0800 MASSEY or visit TE KURA RERERANGI SCHOOL OF AVIATION CONNECTING PEOPLE WITH A MASSEY AVIATION DEGREE EARN WHILE YOU LEARN Aviation industry-specific degrees add value to careers. • Bachelor of Aviation Management • Master of Aviation FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME. ON CAMPUS OR BY DISTANCE ENROLMENTS OPEN NOW FOR SEMESTER ONE 2022 Massey University’s Aviation Centre sits in the centre of Palmerston North Airport’s 20-hectare Ruapehu Business Park. The project was the result of many stakeholders working together to develop a strong cluster of aviation businesses around the airport to deliver economic bene it for the region. Others will now be able to leverage o Massey’s reputation as New Zealand’s leading provider of aviation research, education and training. The new centre replaced the Massey’s previous Flight System’s Centre - home of the school’s light training programme since 1994. The new facility enables the whole School to be co-located in the same facility for the irst time removing the previous physical separation of Massey Aviation’s light training sta from its academic and administrative sta . In addition to the school’s leet of technically-enhanced Diamond DA40 and DA42 aircraft, the Aviation Centre houses its ground-based training facilities, including a new-generation Diamond DA 42 light simulator. The school’s academic programmes, from undergraduate to PhD-level degrees, are being integrated into the same location over the course of the next few months. It is intended that the new centre will increasingly become a nucleus for the development and delivery of research-led education and training in aviation. A major milestone for the school, the new centre demonstrates the journey taken by the School since the Massey Aviation Institute was established in 1987 with just 28 students. The School of Aviation also o ers professional development remotely-piloted aircraft systems courses for organisations operating RPAS units in the course of their daily business. A new course for those operating complex RPAS operations (“Human Factors for RPAS Professionals “) has now been added to Massey’s suite of RPAS training options. Consultancy services for those applying for a NZCAA part 102 certi icate is also available. Massey’s aviation research contributes – among other things - to the global understanding of the links between aviation and other critical employment sectors. Associate Professor Kan Tsui’s research paper has established connections between aviation, tourism, economic development and wellbeing in New Zealand and internationally. His recent paper on the airport activities and economic development relationship in New Zealand received the international acclaim. Research into Virtual Reality to augment light training continues apace. Trials led by a senior Flight Instructor and Master of Aviation student Glenn Ross will assess the utilisation and application of leading-edge virtual reality (VR) computer technology to the traditional light training methods already in place at the School. Massey’s business aviation - speci ic programme – the Bachelor of Aviation Management (BAvMan) degree, introduces students to the breadth of the aviation industry. The quali ication provides valuable and much needed specialist training in the aviation business sector for young school leavers, as well as providing a way for aviation industry professionals to improve their skills and knowledge to thereby further their aviation careers. During their degree, Massey’s Bachelor of Aviation Management and Master of Aviation students value the opportunity to engage in internship and projects with NZ’s regional and major airports and other aviation organisations which has led to enhanced employment opportunities within the ndustry. Contract Flight training opportunities for airlines looking to train cohorts of new pilots to CPL stage is also available. Aviation remains critical to New Zealand’s tourism, transport and export sectors. Massey’s aviation centre will be central to Massey’s ability to promote its capabilities to an international audience. The school is now well-placed to meet national and international requirements for professional pilot and management training for the aviation sector. Sky’s the limit at Massey University’s School of Aviation