| 19 Using biogas at the Gisborne plant will reduce the carbon footprint by 9000 tonnes over the next 20 years by reducing the use of natural gas, says Nicola McHaffie, Ovation’s Group Sustainability Manager. Gisborne: Ovation New Zealand REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT The breath of the business is the relationships built with your clients, says Adrian Sparks, Managing Director of Gisborne based and family-owned electrical business, SE Systems. “It’s what keeps the business alive. We develop the relationship, we are there when they need us, we lighten their load of frustration and enjoy participating in their success. We are not just there to do their job and send an invoice. Our focus is to keep the customer winning, because then we are winning. Nothing lights our ire more than being asked back for the next challenge.” SE Systems started life 24 years ago as Sparks Electrical, with Ovation NZ Gisborne as its primary customer. Before forming his own company, Adrian helped wire Ovation’s new Gisborne plant when working for another electrical company. “Ovation needed 24/7 support and I felt I could provide that better by being self-employed,” says Adrian. “As Ovation grew, they helped me to grow. It is like Ovation is in my blood. Ovation is the reason why SE Systems exist. They are our oldest customer and we value that relationship.” From those early beginnings looking after the electrical needs of Ovation and the wider community, Adrian diversi ied his business to embrace maintenance engineering — servicing and maintaining industrial and commercial sites. That diversi ication SE Systems – building relationships brought about the rebrand to SE Systems Ltd. “We now have twelve trade sta including quali ied electricians and apprentices, as well as maintenance itters and a specialist welder. We look after the needs of the full range of clients including residential, commercial, industrial and rural. Our heartbeat is to make sure anyone’s plant continues to operate. We also look after PLC automation; factory itouts and relocations; plant upgrades; factory maintenance; motor repairs, replacement and servicing. One of our key points is o ering a full 24/7 service 365 days a year.” Not forgetting residential clients, with the team’s broad knowledge and lexibility, SE Systems can service all domestic electrical needs, from simple repairs and upgrades to full renovations, rebuilds and new houses. Re lecting back on the last 24 years in business — almost that magic quarter of a century milestone — Adrian says developing diversity and diverse skill sets means a diverse range of projects and jobs can be undertaken for clients, when they want them undertaken, and with the knowledge they will be undertaken well. But he says, success is also about his team. “Most of my team have been with me for that 10-year plus period. Your team is your biggest asset, without them you are nothing.” SE Systems is your registered Gisborne electrical company that provides quality workmanship and expertise. With our broad knowledge and flexibilitywe can service all of your domestic electrical needs, fromsimple repairs and upgrades to full renovations, rebuilds, newhouses andmuchmore. Our projectmanagement, safety and budget systems arewhat allowus to deliver an exceptional finish to any project. 06 868 4548 www.sesystems.co.nz 8 Tupaea Street, Gisborne Your friendly Gisborne SPARKIES SE SYSTEMS SERVICES - Residential Specialists LOCAL VALUE LOCAL SUPPORT LOCAL FLAVOUR