| 25 Internal awards of staff displaying the attributes of company values. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Mills Albert - 20th Anniversary www.cthaulage.nz 71 Ruahine Street, Paraparaumu, Kapiti 5032 Contact Us Now - 027 438 0092 General and Heavy Haulage Experts Providing a wide range of haulage services throughout the North Island. Contracting Services include: Bulk Linehaul/ Hardox Rock Cartage/ Transporter Trombone Trailer Bottom Dumper/ Panels Trailer Truck, Loader, Digger and Hi-Ab Hire Dune Sand/ Basecourse/ Asphalt Millings Supply Road and Drainage Aggregate Demolition Waste Removal Class 2 Certified Pilots Clive Taylor Haulage Ltd has grown strongly over the past 18 months under owners Andrew (‘Sooty’) and Tania Breach, who say a positive working relationship with Mills Albert Ltd has played a big part in that growth. Andrew and Tania have a long history in the oshore industry and have carried these skills into their business ethos. After moving from New Plymouth to the Kapiti Coast, they purchased Clive Taylor Ltd - a well-established local cartage business - in February 2021. Having started out with four sta, the couple now employ a team of 14. The haulage fleet has also expanded to include another four or five trucks. “When we came down here, we were new to the area and so started talking to local people and introducing ourselves,” says Andrew. “That’s how we first got to know Mills Albert and we began working with them almost straight away. They’ve been a very big component in our growth and are one of our biggest clients now. We really have grown with them.” Andrew and Tania, who have a lot of respect for Mills Albert’s professional standards and client focussed approach, congratulate the Mills Albert team on reaching their 20th anniversary milestone. Both companies share similar values, including a strong health and safety culture. “We have very strong safety procedures in place across all our operations.” Transportation of diggers, graders, rollers and other equipment is one of the main services that Clive Taylor Haulage provides to Mills Albert in support of their civil projects. Most of the transporter work is in the central North Island area including Taranaki, Wellington and the Kapiti Coast. As well, Clive Taylor Haulage specialises in rock cartage and oers this service to Mills Albert on a regular basis, supplying rock to their various sites. “Some of the rocks are 10 to 12 tonnes each so we’ll only cart one or two at a time. Tipping these out at the other end is very specialised work.” Bulk cartage is what Clive Taylor Haulage does best, along with road and drainage aggregate, asphalting, bottom dumping for roading projects and transporter services. As a values-driven company, Clive Taylor Haulage cares for their team, clients and community and is a proud sponsor of the Foxton Rugby Club. “Mills Albert is a family-owned company, just like us. We’re both very proud of that.” CONTACT Clive Taylor Haulage Ltd M: 027 438 0092 E: sooty@cthaulage.nz www.cthaulage.nz WORKING TOGETHER FOR GROWTH