Business Central August 2022

Nib – improving health outcomes Nib sees its role as extending beyond being a health insurance provider to being a health partner. “We see a real opportunity to demonstrate the role and value of private health insurance in helping improve health outcomes and mitigate potentially avoidable or unwarranted healthcare treatment.” As an area where nib is investing that will help play a big role in this space is data science, both for risk prediction and to deliver precisely targeted medical treatment. This has resulted in nib o ering personalised health management programmes to its member base to support them to take control of their health. This ranges from helping members manage conditions such as diabetes to its Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei partnership, which is focused on improving health and wellbeing outcomes for the Auckland hapū, including work with HealthScreening NZ to identify early signs of heart disease in iwi members. Nib’s focus on broadening its services to better connect members with the right tools and services to keep healthy and out of hospital has also seen it o er nine health management programmes, at no additional cost, designed to help members take control of their health and wellbeing. All members can choose to speak to one of the quali ied nib Wellness Coaches and access personalised health and wellness advice for everyday support or to help in the recovery from treatment. “The idea is to ensure our members who either have a chronic disease or are at risk of chronic disease have the right tools, resources and support they need to prevent both immediate and long-term health issues. “In 2021 alone, over 1,100 members took part in our health management programmes and we’ve consistently seen reported improved health outcomes from participants. This approach is a big part of our health partner mission and the importance of placing greater focus and investment on prevention rather than cure.” Nib has also introduced a non-Pharmac Plus add-on giving members much more access to non-Pharmac funded medicines and treatment. It’s not only for people with rare diseases, but many common diseases such as drugs used to treat melanoma, lung or bowel cancer. Private healthcare exists to give people more choice and peace of mind and can play an important role in o setting some of the burdens placed on the already stretched public health system. That’s why nib works hard to o er tailored solutions that are it for purpose, so more people can protect themselves from medical conditions where the public health system simply cannot o er the care and support needed. Since Covid and the workforce shortages New Zealand is currently experiencing, the health and wellbeing of employees has been a focus for lots of employers and health insurance is a great way to increase retention and show that they value their employees. “O ering a corporate health plan is a fantastic way to show your people that you care and stand out among the crowd. We’ve seen an increase in organisations joining our group health plans as well as a greater uptake from employees signing up to their workplaces’ existing employee health plans. There’s never been a more pertinent time for businesses to consider the bene its they o er their employees to both attract and retain talent.” :KDWHYHU LQGXVWU\ \RX·UH LQ QLE KHDOWK LQVXUDQFH KDV ÁH[LEOH FRYHU VROXWLRQV WR VXLW ERWK HPSOR\HUV DQG HPSOR\HHV 7KDW LQ WXUQ PDNHV LW VLPSOHU WKDQ HYHU WR ORRN DIWHU \RXU WHDP·V KHDOWK One thing Emily was particularly excited about was that nib were able to cover team members who had pre-existing conditions — something that had a tremendous impact for Terre Nicholson, one of HD Geo’s consultants. Terre had been diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007, gone through treatment and told there was a low chance of her cancer returning. Unfortunately it did, this time in her bones. So, when Emily told Terre that the team were getting health insurance cover through the business, she was overcome with relief. Help your employees avoid the stress HUK ÄUHUJPHS PTWSPJH[PVUZ VM OH]PUN to wait for health treatment in the public system. Reduce stress Show your employees they’re valued through the peace of mind and ILULÄ[Z WYV]PKLK I` WYP]H[L OLHS[O insurance. Motivate your employees 84% of employees thought workplace wellbeing initiatives like health insurance contributed to them staying loyal.* Greater retention Health insurance can reduce absenteeism in the event of an illness. Get back to work faster * EMA Workplace Wellbeing Survey 2021. Get in contact to chat about the wellbeing of your team: call 0800 287 642 or email HEALTHY EMPLOYEES MEAN HEALTHY BUSINESS )RU 0DQDJLQJ 'LUHFWRU (PLO\ &OHODQG LQWURGXFLQJ QLE KHDOWK LQVXUDQFH IRU DOO RI WKH ÀUP·V SHUPDQHQW VWDII VHHPHG OLNH D JUHDW ZD\ WR WDNH WKH EXUGHQ RI ZRUU\ RXW RI WKH SLFWXUH Speeding up access at HD Geo %DVHG LQ +DPLOWRQ +' *HR LV D VPDOO HQJLQHHULQJ FRQVXOWDQF\ Cutting out the wait Terre’s oncologist had told her it would take 5-8 weeks to get the scan she needed in the public system. But thanks to her nib health cover, she was able to have a scan at a private clinic within two days. That meant she could put her worries aside and stay focused on work and a treatment plan. Terre Nicholson TWO DAYS VERSUS TWO MONTHS MADE A HUGE DIFFERENCE… IT MEANT I WAS MORE ATTENTIVE AND BETTER AT WORK, BECAUSE I WASN’T SO ANXIOUS. Terre Nicholson QLE ZRUNSODFH KHDOWK LQVXUDQFH ;OPZ [LZ[PTVUPHS YLÅLJ[Z [OL L_WLYPLUJL VM [OLZL UPI TLTILYZ