Business Central December 2021
| 29 Ruanui Station, the hill country sheep and beef station in the Rangitikei District. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Shaping farm business. AllanMcNeill is proud to work alongside the Carpenter family and their outstanding farming operation, Ruanui station. Contact us today for a free discussion on howwe could help you achieve your farming goals. 06 356 4808 (Palmerston North) 06 323 6114 (Feilding) Enough Veterinary Excellence to Fill Your Gumboots! 24 hours a day, 7 days aweek! Here at Taihape Veterinary Services we pride ourselves on a ordable, high quality care for your livestock, working dogs and pets. 06 388 0863 / Fax 06 388 0657 Emergency Contact: 06 388 0863 • 24-hour service Proud to be supporting Ruanui Station SHEDS AND FARM BUILDINGS We have a range of supply options from ‘material only’ through to ‘full service’ - arranging plans, consents and construction. All buildings are designed to meet individual customer needs. Call Hautapu Rural Supplies now for a quote! T: 06 3889136 123 Hautapu Street, Taihape Proud supplier of ZƵĂŶƵŝ ^ƚĂƟŽŶ͊ Rangitikei: Ruanui Station