Business Central December 2021

| 65 CONTRACTING Energyworks Fabrication and coatings are Energyworks’ main on-premise capability, but the company also offers on-site installation. Proud to support and supply Energyworks Limited Automotive - Industrial - Marine Farming - Plumbing & Drainage www. s h u k . c o . n z  AUCKLAND  NEW PLYMOUTH  CHRISTCHURCH Stork Technical Services New Zealand has a proven track record in the NDT inspection. We aim to provide safe, prompt and accurate NDT NDT specialists use their knowledge and skills to optimise our client’s manufacturing and maintenance processes, while being compliant with IANZ, ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001. We are proud to partner with Energyworks for several of their projects including the Maui Pipeline Realignment, Kapuni J Wellsite Construction and Pohokura Depletion Compression Project. Our NDT services for Energyworks include hardness measurement, dye penetrant, magnetic particle, PMI, eddy current, conventional and digital radiography, and ultrasonic testing. We also assist with their heat treatment requirements. NDT Services and Advanced NDT Inspection NEW ZEALAND HEAD OFFICE T 06 753 6169 E FURTHER CONVENTIONAL NDT INSPECTION Visual Testing FURTHER ADVANCED NDT INSPECTION High temperature probe Tube Inspection Phased Array Ultrasonics Magnetic Flux Leakage Long Range UT Complementing its modern engineering facilities, last year Energyworks partnered with Sunergise, a company owned by Todd Corporation, to install solar panels on the workshop rooftop. “Everyone has a responsibility these days to minimize their carbon footprint. We have all this square metreage on top of our buildings that are perfect for harnessing the sun. “We don’t own the power or the panels but Sunergise has a ten-year lease of the square metreage to harness the energy. We buy the energy back at a discounted rate when we’re operating and when we’re not operating Sunergise take the energy and sell it into the grid.” Covering about 40% of Energyworks’ aver- age operating load during the daytime, Geoff says it’s a nice way to reduce the company’s footprint. “It’s also a good statement to our employ- ees that we’re doing things to play our part.” “We have all our own staff and have the opportunity to invest in them, train them and watch them grow from apprentice to tradesman to supervisor, and see them do well outside of work too.”