Business Central December 2021
| 95 BUILDING House of the Year 2021: Design Builders Wellington Timber in various stains of charcoal, honey and light help to bring the outside in. The home is clad in Abodo timber panel in a dark charcoal stain combined with a Resene insulated polystyrene façade system. It is situated basically on a ridge so extensive en- gineered foundations were an important part of the project making it an exemplar of good building practice. The four-bedroom, two-bathroom home of- fers spacious living and outdoor areas, kitchen with walk-in pantry, laundry, study, powder room, double garage and includes a lift. Mark says Design Builders Wellington tried to use as many New Zealand products as possible including Cavalier Bremworth wool carpets. Mark and his wife did the interior design for the home including colours and staging. Mark is a qualified builder with nearly two decades of experience. He bought into Design Builders Wellington in 2015. The company covers the greater Wellington and Wairarapa areas. Design Builders is a little different in that it is not a franchise. The company was started by builder Andy Bell and has been operating in the Hawkes Bay for nearly three decades where its service company is still based. Design Builders operates in 10 regions around New Zealand. The company aims to deliver to clients the individuality of an archi- tect yet the economies of a housing company. The Design Builders service company provides structures, processes, marketing and architectural design services to each regional company. Mark says this enables the com- pany to undertake builds efficiently and pass savings on to customers. Design Builders only offers design build homes to ensure each home built by the com- pany is truly unique and customised to suit the customers’ needs and Mark loves building in Wellington-Wairarapa. BUILDING PLASTERBOARD FIXING & STOPPING SPECIALISTS 0800 4 APCO LTD 021 920 276 D E S I G N E D F O R T O D AY & M A D E F O R T O M O R R O W C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S O N A L L Y O U R S U C C E S S AT T H E 2 0 2 1 H O U S E O F T H E Y E A R AWA R D S