| 25 Hawke’s Bay: Hastings District Council - Flaxmere Once the Flaxmere Ave houses are built, the construction focus will move to the town centre. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Greg Dick 0274 522 595 Pete Witkowski 027 233 3342 Ian Dick Concrete Contractors Ltd is proud to have partnered with Fulton Hogan Ltd on the Flaxmere Town Centre development for Hastings District Council. 06 843 2241 www.iandickconcrete.co.nz We are locally owned & have been operating in Hawkes Bay since 1963. Call us for your commercial sitework, subdivision and civil concrete needs. for first home buyers at an affordable price point.” That price point has been capped at around $650,000 for a quality new three-bedroom home, with rent to own and shared equity arrangements being offered to assist whānau. “One of the council’s key priorities is also ‘keeping it local’, using local businesses and trades and providing opportunities for training. For example, Downer is working with Topline Contracting Academy to give their cadets access to our sites as part of their training.” Another boost for affordable housing in Flaxmere is the Wairatahi Project, by the Heretaunga Tamate Settlement Trust (HTST). Accepted for fast track consenting, it is providing an opportunity for HTST to meet the needs of its people and the wider community for more diverse and affordable housing, while upholding HTST’s environmental and cultural values. “That could provide between 478 and 525 houses at the southern end of Flaxmere.” As well, the Waingākau housing development project in West Flaxmere is delivering Haukāinga Hauora (Healthy Homes) for whānau Māori, especially first home buyers. With council and central government support, Flaxmere’s facilities have been improved over the past decade with a complete rebuild of the playground in the award-winning Flaxmere park and upgrades of the swimming pool complex, community centre and two smaller playgrounds. As well, both Flaxmere College and Te Kura o Kimi Ora have been rebuilt.