Business Central December 2023

| 45 Central Environmental REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Waste concrete being recycled into aggregate is not just from Central Demolition’s operations, but also from concrete companies and various builders and contractors across the lower North Island. Palmerston North P (06) 355 3578 M 0275 516 654 Services available include – taxation compliance work – GST and income tax returns – business planning – succession planning – estate planning etc Complementary 30 minute initial chat available - contact John Whitehead Proud to be supporters of Central Environmental Proud to be a business partner of Ian and his team Environmentally Friendly Proud to be Associated with Central Environmental then collected for reuse. Central Environmental works closely with other resource recovery companies such as 5R Solutions, which specialises in window glass recovery. “Treated timber is our biggest challenge at the moment, so we’re currently investigating how we can get a better end use for that. We have identified a couple of options that are still in the early stages of development. Ultimately, what we hope to be able to do is recycle that timber into a new product.” In the next development phase, Central Environmental plans to relocate an existing prefab building from Wellington to its Fielding site – deconstructing the building in Wellington and then re-erecting it in Fielding - which will be used to house a new specialised picking station/conveyor for easy sorting of waste materials into various recycling streams. Also planned is a new slow speed shredder that will process and reduce waste volume. “Some of our bigger customers are really focused on recycling and the environmental impacts of projects – we are seeing a lot more focus now on deconstruction rather than demolition. In our stage two development, we will not only be able to do that work but also accurately measure what we salvage.” One of the ways in which the slow speed shredder will likely be put to use is in the production of green waste compost. The plan is to process compost quickly, with little odour by using a covered, aerated pad system. “We’re working with a company called Envirofert - an established compost production company based out of Auckland - on a composting system that would include food waste and also gypsum from gib board as that is a really good soil conditioner.” Ian is grateful for the Manawatū District Council’s ongoing focus on developing the area around the local Resource Recovery Centre in Fielding as a hub for recycling and waste reduction. As well, he says being able to rely on the advice and guidance of Masterton’s Equip2 when sourcing crushing and screening equipment has been immensely helpful. Thanks to a mobile screening machine and a portable concrete crusher, Central Environmental is able to crush and screen concrete off-site in other places, as well as in Fielding. Further investment in mobile equipment is planned.