| 57 ARCHITECTURE Designgroup Stapleton Elliott - Wellington The steel framed building sits on deep CFA piles and has a unitised façade wrapping around the exterior. Commercial Electrical, Solar & Data Commercial & Residential Design & Build Solutions Commercial & Residential Service & Maintenance Commercial HVAC & Refrigeration Servicing the greater Wellington region with pride since 2010. 04 212 4763 office@fantailservices.co.nz Unit 18, 2/4 Northpoint St, Plimmerton, Porirua PO Box 57093, Mana, Porirua 5247 Residential Heating & Cooling Residential Electrical, Solar & EV Chargers Fantail Services is proud to be supplying an energy e icient mechanical and electrical services package to the Haining Street Apartments project underway in central Wellington. While most contractors tend to be specialised in either mechanical – heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) – or electrical trades, Fantail Services brings it all together in one package. Fantail is a trusted commercial HVAC and electrical partner in theWellington region, delivering full solutions fromdesign and installation to repairs andmaintenance. Fantail Services is contracted to CMP on the Haining Street project, due for completion later this year. “For this particular project, we o ered engineering feedback on the design to ensure the right ventilation equipment was selected and this was accepted by the consultant,” says Chris Spayes, Founder and Managing Director of Fantail Services. “We are also supplying all the electrical components - power and lighting - to this large, 78-apartment, nine-storey building. In addition to the large electrical infrastructure throughout the building, there is a photo-voltaic (P.V.) solar system that is being installed by our teamwith the solar energy to be utilised as part of the building’s electrical supply.” Heat recovery ventilation being installed by Fantail Services will e iciently extract Delivering high standard HVAC and Electrical solutions stale air andmoisture from the building while bringing in fresh air and conserving heat, all with very little power consumption. “It is high e iciency ventilation and when you combine that with solar power, it adds up to a very energy e icient building.” Fantail Services has up to eight sta on-site for the project, spanning some eight to 10months for their team. This is not the irst time that Fantail Services has worked with Designgroup Stapleton Elliott (DGSE). Past projects include Aotea College, 134 Queens Drive and design/build work in heating, cooling, ventilation, electrical and data for DGSE’s o ice on Lambton Quay. Once the Haining Street apartments are completed, Fantail will have an ongoing service and maintenance role to ensure all systems continue to function in an optimal, e icient way. “We provide service and maintenance to the majority of our projects.” Established in 2010, Fantail Services meets high standards for mechanical (HVAC) and electrical services in the commercial industrial and residential sectors. The company employs a highly skilled and experienced team of around 40 sta . “We welcome enquiries from clients seeking market leading, e icient mechanical and electrical solutions for their next project.”