Business Central December 2023

62 | A complete suite of services Commercial projects are much longer in duration and there’s often more engagement on site with the builders. ArchInt T T Sue Russell • Design • Manufacture • Stairs • Furniture • Kitchen • Installation • Project Coordination • Bathroom • All Household Fit-outs call us on 0210 877 7143 Napier-based ArchInt offers clients a complete suite of skills and services to see their projects created and completed to interior fit-out completion. Director Melissa Burne says having both the architecture and interior design services gives clients the confidence that the team can attend to every detail of how the build will look and feel and is a real strength of the business. Melissa graduated in 2000 and in 2003 began by doing projects from home. She also taught Level 4 Diploma in Architectural Design, Majoring in Interiors for 15 years, is a Professional Member of ADNZ and a Licensed Building Practitioner. “We’ve noticed that Hawke’s Bay, like many regions, has slowed down somewhat in terms of major investment across commercial and industrial but for the past 5 years we have been so busy,” Melissa says. Working with her is a team of four professionals: Melissa Pierard, Diana Goodwin, Penny Fussell, who leads the interiors design team and Roxanne Magon who keeps the important administrative functions ticking over. Penny and Melissa Pierard are members of the New Zealand Kitchen and Bathroom Association while Diana is also a member of ADNZ. “I try to offer clients a holistic service offering with the skill-sets and experiences we offer. Often with commercial clients, to be able to design and then complete the interiors is something they really appreciate.” Melissa also knows that a big part of the business’s success has been in looking after staff through creating a supportive working environment that works for their busy lives. The working space is really supportive of family life too, with staff working flexible hours. There’s a team discussion every Monday to ground where projects are at. “We have been at the size we are now these past 10 years and it works well for us all in terms of the number of projects we have on the go at any one time.” Commercial projects, by their nature, are much longer in duration and there’s often more engagement on site with the builders over an extended period. Asked about regional development at this time Melissa says there is considerable activity in the commercial sector, social housing and in rest-home developments. “We have a lovely city in Napier and Hastings is also evolving. We’ve been involved in restoration upgrades, work for Kainga Ora and “I try to offer clients a holistic service offering with the skill-sets and experiences we offer.” a special project, working with the Whatever It Takes trust, developing homes to support the mental health sector.” Cyclone Gabrielle left damage spread across a large part of the region, including close to home at Pakowhai, where the practice is based. One project that has come from the damage caused is designing a new learning hub for Hukarere Girls College in Havelock North. Melissa is also Secretary for the regional ADNZ group which provides opportunities for professional development. “I recently went with the New Zealand Institute of Architects on a bus tour looking at a sports park with large infrastructural elements and today we are meeting with the local council planners to discuss the district plan and processes.” Enjoying great working relationships with builders is a real strength of the business Melissa says. “Penny and I work together a lot and there’s a strong collaborative culture in the company which we all enjoy.” Close to being completed is a large commercial project for TR Group at Omahu Road, Hastings. “We worked closely with the contractors on site to deliver a quality commercial space for the local TR Group branch. One of the features of the building are the large precast concrete tilt-slabs painted yellow. We have made a name for ourselves designing concrete tilt-slab constructed buildings.” All in all, looking back on the journey so far Melissa says she’s pleased with the size of the business and the varied array of projects that cross her desk. “We have a good name for ourselves and sufficient work at any one time to keep us engaged. It’s great to be a part of helping a region to grow.” ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN