Business Central February 2021
12 | Civtec is positioned as a strong delivery partner across various parts of the infrastructure industry. from page 10 Phone: 03 983 5500 Find new clients with regular marketing in print media ADVERTISING IS GREAT FOR BUSINESS REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Waikato Business Awards - Civtec We are proud to support Civtec Limited & congratulate them on their success and achievements. • Commercial & Corporate Law • Trusts and Succession • Developer Conveyancing • Estate planning & Administration • Conveyancing • Subdivisions • Wills • Relationship Property • Rural & Agribusiness Hamilton 07 838 3333 Cambridge 07 827 8540 They know the team are talented at solving problems and with a growing fleet of under- ground construction technologies realised the opportunity to diversify into other utility services such as Water, Power and Gas. Running a high growth company can be ‘a roller-coaster ride’ Renae says it is important to have good people on the team and create the kind of company along the way that people want to be part of. Civtec has a strong purpose of ‘Improvement through Connec- tion’ and a core belief of putting people at the centre of the business. “We have an excellent leadership team, with Pele Tanuvasa, Civtec CEO, at the helm that never lose sight of our purpose’ says Renae. Operating in the contracting sector is a blend of the competitive and the collegial, as Renae explains. “It’s an interesting industry to work in because it can be very competitive and then it can also have a strong element of work- ing collaboratively with other companies to achieve an outcome. We like that aspect to our business.” Focus on infrastructure spend is topical at the moment, and Civtec is positioned as a strong delivery partner across various parts of the industry, including three waters. 2020 has been a mixed bag for many businesses and Civtec was not immune to the challenges of Covid. Taking over an existing company in Christchurch just on lock-down just added another challenge to the mix. “To be honest, when I heard the Lockdown announcement, I felt a little sick, but then we just went into crisis management mode and worked through it.” During that time, about 15% of the staff were actively operating to deliver essential service, while the balance were at home. Those that could work from home, carried on remotely albeit in a limited capacity. “This was a test for the business but we dis- covered, through that journey, that we cope really well in a crisis.” Three months ago, Renae took herself out of the operational management sphere re-ti- tling her role today as Group CEO. “ This is great for Shane and I. I can concen- trate on the strategy, and Shane can be our impact player, coming in and out of projects as needed. It plays to both of our strengths and adds value for the team.” Topping off a positive year in 2020 is the much-awaited move into the fit for purpose new premises, in Horotiu. Renae says the whole team are looking for- ward to being together again on one site. Civtec keeps momentum building