Business Central February 2021

14 | The upgrade will bring the Te Awamutu plant up to a modern standard, returning only the best quality of treated water back to the Mangapiko Stream. to page 16 Waipa District Council: Waikeria-Te Awamutu-Karapiro Wastewater REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Wastewater upgrade long overdue Sue Russell R ecognising that resource consent on the existing waste-water treatment facility at Waikeria Prison, south of Te Awamu- tu, would not be renewed prompted the Corrections Department to engage with Waipa District Council on construction of major new plant at the prison site and to re-routing the waste through to the existing treatment sta- tion at Te Awamutu. Programme Manager for the Three Waters Capital Programme, Carl Smith, says the $26million project has had its challenges but has proceeded well, despite constraints in construction brought about by last year’s Covid lock-down. Several key-drivers have underpinned the project as Carl explains. “The Department of Corrections is develop- ing a new 500-bed facility at Waikeria Prison, with an additional 100-bed dedicated mental health and addiction service. “The development provided Corrections with the opportunity to seek a new wastewa- ter disposal solution for the site that better aligned with the wishes of the local commu- nity and iwi. Corrections determined the best solution was to partner with Waipa District Council and send its wastewater through a new piped system from Waikeria through Kihikihi to Te Awamutu for treatment.” This coincided nicely with Waipa District Council, who were in the process of obtain- ing a new wastewater discharge consent for the upgrade of the Te Awamutu Wastewater Treatment Plant. “Corrections determined the best solution was to partner with Waipa District Council and send its wastewater through a new piped system from Waikeria through Kihikihi to Te Awamutu for treatment.” The upgrade (nearing completion) will bring the Te Awamutu plant up to a modern stand- ard, returning only the best quality of treated water back to the Mangapiko Stream. The project has involved four specific stages and, according to Carl, has progressed very well, despite the impact of the Covid-19 restrictions. In stage 1, a significant large pump station is being built at Waikeria, with the wet well measuring about 12m diameter and 8m deep. “That stage is trucking along well and will be completed in the new year. While the construction of the pump station was the first part of the project to get underway, it will be the last to be completed,” Carl says.