Business Central February 2021

| 7 Adrian van Dyk, General Manager of leading Manawatu law practice CR Law, says since taking up the role just over a year ago, the business has continued to innovate to provide its clients with the best possible legal services. The beginnings of today’s practice go back to 1881 and throughout that amazing longevity, Adrian says it’s been the passion and commitment of its team that have been at the heart of its success. “One of the key responsibilities I have has been to stream-line processes and with all that has happened last year with Covid restrictions we have been able to continue delivering the standard of service to our clients that our reputation has been built on,”says Adrian. “That’s been very satisfying and something the whole team is extremely proud of.” With staff working from home ‘business as usual’ was maintained. “We had to learn new work styles but the silver-lining has been we’ve been able to work more flexibly and future-proof the company,” Adrian says. The firm has two offices in Feilding and Palmerston North and provides a compre- hensive range of legal services. One client, Feilding Health Care, has ben- efitted from the down-to-earth advice and support CR Law has given, through a time when it has evolved into a sophisticated and modern Primary Health Care Provider. “We’ve supplied a range of different servic- es to the practice and most recently have focussed support on employment matters, contracts and structural advice. “We’ve also created a one-off training programme on the Privacy Act specifically as it impacts on the health sector.” Asked what makes CR Law so relevant and successful Adrian’s response strikes to the core of the matter. “The practice is progressive but holds true to traditional values of good honest service and working with our clients to find solu- tions that best work for them. That’s what keeps our team engaged and our company culture so positive.” And connection to the community is a key value all those working in the company share. The practice supports a number of key charities in the region. “With such a long history we feel very connected to all that is special about the Manawatu and its communities.” Passion and commitment at the heart of firm’s success Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo c nsequat. Duis aute irure dol r in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non pr ident, sunt in culpa qui o ic a deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 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Robyn knows that dealing with employment issues, inding employees who it the team and business, and coaching those responsible for managing people are the cornerstone of a successful enterprise. It makes sense, she says, that for the most important asset in a company, its people, that people managers and leaders have access to professional support and advice, just as business owners would go to an accountant for inancial advice. “If this doesn’t happen, the ability to get the best out of your people can be missed. This is an opportunity wasted. Plus if things go wrong, they can be expensive to resolve.” Robyn knows an empathetic approach is a vital attribute, especially when approaching what may be an overwhelming situation for a business owner or manager. Expertise and Empathy “I understand how challenging it feels for an employer, who cares about their team and wants to do the right thing, but they aren’t quite sure how to go about it or if they are following the correct process.” No two days are alike and Robyn loves it that way. She’s deliberately chosen to provide clients with generalist HR in terms of the service o ering, from being a sounding board, dealing with employment issues, preparing employment agreements or policies, recruitment, through to really forward thinking strategic work. “The business is an evolving space and that’s just the way I want it to be.” All of their work is billed on an hourly basis. One way they have created a point of di erence is to develop a ‘shopping trolley’ approach to recruitment. Clients are charged on an hourly basis, enabling them to determine the extent and range of support they require. The decision to deliver HR and recruitment services done di erently works well. It is a cost-e ective solution for clients, speci ic to their particular needs, including Feilding Health Care, who have grown into a major health provider. “I don’t see any reason why small and medium businesses should not have access to top-quality HR. Our team brings together their expertise from di erent roles in corporate, public, private sector and overseas environments to the table, for the bene it of clients throughout the country.” 06 213 7676 236 Broadway Avenue, Palmerston North 4414 Just People. People are your organisation’s most important and most complicated asset. Let us help you. Robyn Young HR HR and recruitment specialists