| 33 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Trust Tairāwhiti: ICONIQ Group The ICONIQ Group management team - the company is developing and building new homes for Kāinga Ora, R O O F I N G N E W Z E A L A N D S I N C E 1 9 5 9 NEW ROOFS I RE-ROOFING I ROOF REPAIRS GUTTERS I ROOF CLEANING Ca l l fo r a no ob l i ga t i on f ree quo t e 0800 666 677 Proud to be Iconiq’s Preferred Gisborne Roofing Contractor Preferred roo ng contractor for ICONIQ Group in Gisborne, Edwards & Hardy East Coast shares the same vision for giving young people the opportunity to make a career for themselves, with the Gisborne branch currently employing seven apprentices in its team of 16. “There is a huge shortage of quali ed tradespeople at present, and we are big on employing young people and giving them the opportunity to start an apprenticeship,” says Edwards and Hardy Roo ng East Coast branch manager Dean Twigley. “ICONIQ Group’s current projects in Gisborne are great homes for our apprentices to work on. They’re not too dif cult and are all similarly designed, so the guys can do really well in a short amount of time.” Dean says the bene t of Edwards and Hardy training apprentices is the vast amount of skills and experience in the senior members of the team. “We have some really good roofers. A couple of them here have been roo ng for 40 years, and they are also very keen for the young guys to come through. It’s really good for the young guys to be mentored by these people.” Edwards and Hardy Roo ng is a long-standing business which has grown from its initial establishment as a roo ng maintenance rm in Christchurch in 1959 to now employing more than 400 people working across 16 branches all around New Zealand. Today, Edwards and Hardy Roo ng is New Zealand’s largest roof maintenance and re-roof company, providing nationwide support in the cleaning, repair and maintenance, re-coating, and re-roo ng of a wide range of residential, commercial, and institutional longrun, metal tile, and concrete tile roofs. “We also offer a number of support services including gutter cleaning and installation, exterior wall and pathway cleaning, brick and block sealing, and spider control. This adds up to a wide range of services, and we are helping customers across New Zealand every month to manage or resolve an issue with their roof or property.” Edwards and Hardy Roo ng is now privately owned and the family have a strong focus on investing back into their business and creating opportunities for their staff to progress. “They are giving young guys an opportunity and that’s the same thing that’s happening at ICONIQ Group. These same things are important to both of us.” Dean says as ICONIQ Group grows in Gisborne, Edwards and Hardy Roo ng will continue to be there providing its services. “We want to look after ICONIQ Group and continue to be their preferred roo ng contractor.” Edwards and Hardy Roo ng 027 253 0966 Dean.twigley@roofguard.co.nz Edwards & Hardy East Coast