34 | Gisborne: Gisborne District Council Wastewater UV plant a step closer T T Kelly Deeks T T to page 36 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT The construction of Gisborne District Council’s wastewater UV disinfection plant on Banks Street is a proud moment for the region as another step forward to improving the quality of treated wastewater that is pumped through the outfall pipe into the bay, and a key component of Council’s long-term objective to remove household waste from the bay altogether. Gisborne’s wastewater treatment plant was built in 2010 and a condition of its resource consent was for Council to implement further treatment and investigate options for alternative use and disposal of wastewater, and to make every effort to meet cultural objectives to stop discharging into the bay. The preferred option for further treatment was adopted by Council in its 2018-2028 Long Term Plan. The option comprises of clarification or removal of solids and UV treatment of wastewater, with this plant now under construction, then the construction of a wastewater wetland to receive and naturally clarify all wastewater. Currently, domestic wastewater is screened at the city’s wastewater treatment plant by one of two rotating drum screens then passed through a vortex grit removal chamber. Two more drum screens are used for industrial wastewater. The screenings and grit removed have the water pressed out of them and are then bagged and trucked to landfill. Meanwhile, the screened and de-gritted wastewater gravitates into a biological trickling filter pump station before being pumped up through the tank’s central column to a height of 8m, then distributed through six rotating arms to trickle slowly through many different channels in 10 layers of large plastic media blocks. In so doing, very fine screened and degritted wastewater solids are transformed into plant-like matter. The resulting treated wastewater is pumped via a new outfall pump station to the existing marine outfall, 1.8km out to sea. The new $38m UV disinfection plant project brings a disinfection step to this process, with the construction of a lamella clarifier, filtration, ultra-violet disinfection, and sludge handling facilities to treat household wastewater. JLE Electrical are excited to be the Electrical and Instrumenta�on design, procurement and construc�on partner with McConnell Dowell for the upgrade of Gisborne’s Waste-Water Treatment Plant. JLE Electrical has significant experience, capability and a proven track record in the delivery of Electrical & Mechanical construc�on projects, and service and maintenance of water and wastewater treatment plants throughout New Zealand. JLE have three opera�ng branches and offer construc�on services, project management and general electrical or mechanical service and maintenance to industrial, infrastructure, processing and manufacturing sectors throughout NZ and abroad. JLE specialise in hazardous areas and remote loca�on servicing. askjle@jle.co.nz www.jle.co.nz 0800 ASK JLE (Phone 0800 275 553) The JLE Vision The trusted choice in the industrial and infrastructure sectors, delivering electrical and mechanical solu�ons through collabora�on with our Aotearoa and Interna�onal partners