Business Central July 2022

46 | Tannery production doubles T from page 44 The automatic sorting and freezing system will have the capacity to sort over 7000 cartons a day with a total holding capacity of over 15,000 cartons. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Matamata: Greenlea Premier Meats Also underway is a significant investment project in Waitoa Industrial Estate of which Greenlea is a part owner. Set on 1200 acres of farmland, the estate includes Waitoa Tannery, which was purchased by the joint venture in 2020. Aaron says it made sense for Greenlea to invest as it was previously delivering hides and other by products to the tannery for processing so it now has greater control over this aspect of its business and added value to the utilisation of the entire carcass. Aaron says tannery production has doubled since the takeover due to significant investment in new technology to automate processes and increase product quality as well as reducing potential environmental impacts. Significant upgrades are being undertaken to the plant’s wastewater treatment system, which are due for completion in October. Aaron says that future plans include developing a protein plant at the site. After almost 30 years since its first plant was commissioned, Greenlea is still owned by the Egan family who make up the majority of the board of directors. Aaron says that the team spirit that pervades the company reflects the values and the strong family culture. “Being one team is at the heart of what we do and how we do it. It’s Greenlea’s people working as one team that makes us successful. We’re big enough to achieve but still small enough to care. We’re passionate about our farmers, our products and our story.” Postal: PO Box 21141, Rototuna Hamilton 3256 Phone: Email: MW BUILDERS LTD Licensed Building Practitioner Servicing Hamilton & Surrounding Areas Building Light Commercial, Industrial & Food Processing Area Construction, Building Maintenance, Alterations & New Homes Since 1991 Mark 021-912-942 / Mat 0274-912-942 MIKE 027 251 9589 PAUL 027 669 3738 A/Hrs: 07 889 3132 PO Box 151, Morrinsville e: Zeeland Logistics have been in a proud partnership with Greenlea Premier Meats Ltd Contact Grant Cooper 027 255 3348