Business Central July 2022

| 89 The Metlifecare PAN Development Team. LIFESTYLE Palmerston North Māori Reserve Trust PROFESSIONAL PLUMBING&GAS Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Drainage Services 06 359 0252 Pak Design is an award-winning architectural design team based in the mighty Manawatu P: 06 350 3902 Level 1 / 328 Church St, Palmerston North E: C O M M E R C I A L I N D U S T R I A L R E S I D E N T I A L INDUSTRY SUPPLIER TO: JOINERY | FLOORING | CONSTRUCTION Proudly supplying internal doors and hardware to Humphries Construction for the Metlifecare development. Specialist hardware suppliers in the Construction and Joinery industries. Located at 635 Tremaine Ave Palmerston North. Photo: Kevin Bills Media