Business Central July 2024

10 | Fulton Hogan - East Coast-Hawke’s Bay T T Richard Loader Hi-vis heroes lead cyclone response Fulton Hogan staff have worked tirelessly since Cyclone Gabrielle repairing washed out bridges and roads. T T to page 12 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT With its Head Office in Napier and branches in Gisborne, Wairoa, Whakatu (Hastings) and Waipukurau, Fulton Hogan’s East Coast region undertakes infrastructure projects from Dannevirke in Central Hawke’s Bay through to East Cape, with ~370 employees spread across the region. Projects range from state highway (NZTA Waka Kotahi) and local authority roading construction and maintenance works, commercial and residential development infrastructure, and quarrying, with a very strong 3-waters construction capability. The company also has a transport fleet and a considerable temporary traffic management team. With fourteen years’ experience with Fulton Hogan, Courtney Pratt moved to the Bay in December last year to take on the East Coast’s senior role of Regional Manager, a position she previously held in Taranaki. Passionate about the industry, Courtney says Fulton’s Hogan’s success is always about the people. “What I see is that we really value every single person here. I don’t care what role you play, you’re as valuable as any other. If you’re on the front line and managing traffic control, and you’re the first person a member of the public sees you’re as important as any of our senior leaders – probably more important. “My job only exists because there are a whole lot of people out there doing good work in the community. As senior leaders and senior managers our job is to support delivery. “We are a delivery organisation, and we never forget that. We are here to do good work – creating, connecting and caring for communities where we can.” That sentiment was never truer than the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle, when the whole Fulton Hogan team responded swiftly to clear damage, unblock roads, build bridges and support the local communities — often by just showing a friendly and caring face. Courtney refers to the team as ‘hi-vis super heroes’, working extremely hard and long hours, during crises such as a Cyclone Gabrielle. But she says that is also the most satisfying part of what they all do as a delivery business, doing good. “Infrastructure can sometimes get a bad rap, but those types of situations really demonstrate what we can do when the opportunity or crisis is there. “ Our team came to work to serve the community when they may not have been certain their own families and homes were safe, and like many of the region’s workforces, many of our team were cut off from their own families during those initial stages. “One of our team might well be the first face representing the emergency response that someone saw after being trapped at the end of a road for a number of weeks. “Throughout the main crisis period they didn’t let themselves get fatigued, because they knew they had a job to do. “That can be quite emotional and taxing for our people, but they do a great job and they genuinely care.” Courtney says that when she arrived in Hawke’s Bay late last year the team was extremely tired, having worked up to seven days a week for the past eight months. 027 423 5793 or 021 023 54378 Proud local contractors across residential, farming & civil domains Bulk Deliveries | Gravel | Top Soil Proud to be associated with Fulton Hogan Phone Brian Tong: 021 038 30 73 Email: