Business Central July 2024

| 21 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Kapiti Coast District Council: Brian Perry Civil - Waikanae Water With a 25-metre diameter and five-metre depth, the new clarifier represents a substantial new addition at the plant and will provide a real boost to water quality is then expected to commence next autumn, in time for full wet commissioning in December 2025. This substantial project is drawing on expertise across the North Island, with the pre-cast walls being manufactured in Ōtaki and the clarifier mechanism being made in Auckland. Other equipment has come from various suppliers, nationally and even internationally. Specialist ground engineering and civil construction company Brian Perry Civil was selected to lead this upgrade project following a competitive ECI tender process. Important factors in the selection were the skills and experience of Brian Perry team, along with their good track record. Brian Perry Civil has also successfully completed several other projects for the Kāpiti Coast District Council in the areas of roading and town centre improvements. “The Brian Perry Civil team is doing good work and have good health and safety protocols in place [at Waikanae],” says a council spokesperson. “They provided valuable input into the constructability of the plant throughout the design process. Their communication with our team is very good. We’re also pleased with how the Brian Perry team is building strong relationships with the water treatment plant team. This is vital in a plant that runs 24 hours a day and can’t be shut down or interrupted without notice.” By the end of this year, the project’s new chlorine building is also due to be finished and close to operational. New blowers for the rapid sand filters will have been installed and it is anticipated that the clarifier will have completed water testing. Stage three, currently pencilled for action by 2028, will involve further improvements works including replacing UV units, refurbishing existing sand filters and adding two more sand filters. Electrical/controls for the Water Treatment Plant 04 589 1664 ProServe Electrical Limited is a Wellington based company with experience in all aspects of the electrical contracting / service industry, but specialising in the areas of: • Water / Drainage / Sewage distribution • Industrial Process Controls • Remote monitoring / measuring • Controls, systems maintenance Kāpiti-based contracting and forestry business Mills Albert Limited has been hard at work on the ground this year for Kāpiti Coast District Council’s Waikanae Water Treatment Plant upgrade. This $22 million upgrade is being carried out to increase earthquake resilience and to replace ageing equipment at the plant. It is part of the council’s commitment to provide safe, clean drinking water to local homes and businesses in Waikanae, Paraparaumu and Raumati. The project’s main contractor is Brian Perry Civil, with Mills Albert’s team engaged to undertake bulk earthworks and some drainage work. “Our involvement started late last year with pre-works preparation, with the operational phase then starting in mid-January 2024,” says Charles Puklowski, Mills Albert’s Contracts Manager. “We excavated about 5500m to provide the platform for where the new clari ier is going to be built. We then used that excavated material to build a second access ramp into the site to make it easier for larger vehicles to enter and exit.” Also on the Mills Albert team for this irst phase were a project engineer, a site supervisor, three operators, two labourers and a four-man drainage team. Mills Albert is currently inishing a small section of sewer line upgrade Mills Albert provides quality services for keyWaikanae project into the main building, with Brian Perry Civil soon to commence infrastructure construction. In mid-2025, Mills Albert will return to the site to undertake back illing and compaction works around the new structure. “We will also undertake a reasonably large portion of the pavement build and join all the internal roading within the compound itself.” As a subcontractor for Brian Perry Civil, Mills Albert is involved on another key local project, being the new Whakawhirinaki Pipe Bridge for Wellington Water Limited, which will deliver a seismically resilient solution for one of the region’s most critical water supply pipelines. As well, Mills Albert is currently working for Kāpiti Coast District Council on a large stormwater upgrade in Paraparaumu. With a reputation for quality service, Mills Albert sets a very high standard. Last year, the company was named the 2023 Electra Business of the Year, with judges commending their commitment to both sta and customers, as well as their implementation of sustainable business practices. Mills Albert has also been recognised for their work on climate resilience projects in the region. Meanwhile, Mills Albert was proud to share their mahi and passion for the civil industry with Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, during his recent visit to their Paraparaumu headquarters.