| 25 T T Rosa Watson Love at first sight for Wairarapa olive oil pioneers Blue Earth Estates Margaret and Mike Hanson. Blue Earth Estate REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT It was love at first sight when Margaret and Mike Hanson purchased a stunning Wairarapa property overlooking Te Muna Valley in 1996. Now 28 years on, and with some hard graft by the couple, it is a flourishing olive grove and vineyard known as Blue Earth Estate. Initially, Margaret had reluctantly agreed to buy land around Martinborough, so long as it had a view, some bush and a river. “We found the perfect block, but it was 30 acres, not the five we were looking for. And with 30 acres, you feel like you need to do something,” Margaret told Business Central. “So, we started with olives.” They planted 550 olive trees at first, before being talked into establishing a vineyard by Martinborough winemaker Bill Brink of Walnut Ridge. Sadly, Bill died three years later. “Over the next 22 years, we have done a lot of learning with great help and support from our local wine making community.” In the early years, harvesting was carried out with the help of family and friends, and season by season, both the vineyard and olive grove grew and began to flourish. The couple initially sold the grapes to Martinborough Vineyard, before starting their own label Blue Earth Estate wines. “We have always sold our olive oil under the Blue Earth brand. With our vineyard, we went from being growers for Martinborough Vineyard, to partners in The Elder Pinot, to last year bringing our wine into the Blue Earth Estate family.” The name Blue Earth was given to the business as an affectionate nod to Mike’s hometown in southern Minnesota, and the farm he grew up on. The soil there is so rich and dark that it appears blue when turned by a plow. The soil at Blue Earth Estate is the opposite – stony, dry, and healthy but not fertile, making it perfect for producing premium olive oils that have won numerous national and international awards. Being featured on Country Calendar in 2022 led to further developments. “We were approached by Repose, a new company designing, building and managing luxury eco cabins, about co-hosting one of their cabins in our olive grove. “ And, responding to demand, they began offering tours of our olive grove and vineyard. “Things have grown over the years. We started with planting of 550 olive trees, to now having over 1100.” They now produce more than 20 tonnes of olives a year. And the vineyard has grown to seven acres of vines, mostly Pinot Noir with the rest Pinot Gris. “The first plantings of the vineyard focused on Pinot Noir. We subsequently expanded that and added Pinot Gris,” Margaret said. Most of the olive oil and 50 per cent of the wine is sold direct through the company’s website, mailing list or tours. The rest goes to high end restaurants and selected retail outlets. In earlier years the company was involved in exporting both wine and olive oil, but has now chosen to focus on the domestic market. The company has won a number of awards for its olive oil and has received consistently positive reviews for its wine. But Margaret said the highlights for the couple have been tasting the first olive oil, tasting the first wines under the Blue Earth label, sharing the products with people who appreciate them, and each day being able to walk through a landscape that has been transformed. But with these have been challenges, including seasons with frost damage or poor fruit set, and the impact on export markets and trade by COVID. There had also been the challenge of having to learn new skills. “We have done the usual study, research and seeking professional advice. But what has helped the most has been the support, advice and encouragement of the local community.” The next few years would be about focusing on continuing to build the market for Blue Earth wine and olive oil, and continuing to develop the property, Margaret said. “There are many more trees to be planted.” Harvesting, pruning or storage, we’ve got you covered! Olive Grove and Orchard Equipment Phone: 021 819 066 Email: info@grovesupply.co.nz Web: grovesupply.co.nz 06 306 9476 office@trueca.co.nz Proudly Supporting Blue Earth Estate SupportingNewZealand’s leadingolivegrowerswithgrovemanagement services, oliveharvesting&processing, and the production, blending, bottling&distributionof premiumoliveoils. New Zealand’s most awarded producer of extra virgin olive oils • Processor of choice for Wairarapa’s premier olive oil producers including Blue Earth Estate • Judged by the olive industry as New Zealand’s “Best Processor” for last 10 years • Won “Best Boutique EVOO” at 2022 Olives New Zealand Awards • Won “Best Flavoured Oil” at 2023, 2021, 2019, 2018 and 2017 Olives New Zealand Awards • Awarded “Reserve Champion Italian EVOO” at 2022 Australian International Olive Competition https://theolivepress.co.nz Contact – Rod Lingard, The Olive Press Limited, 14 Arbor Street, Greytown 5794 rod@theolivepress.co.nz 027 443 5996