Business Central July 2024

| 27 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Waikato Business Awards: Central Kids Central Kids team members celebrate their success at the Waikato Business awards. Asked to plainly describewhat ‘Resolution8’ is all about, Peter Gilbert, director and project manager of the Hamilton-based business says their aim always is to bridge the gap between business and technology. This, he says, is achieved by ensuring the teamof professionals whoworkwith him, completely understandwhat a client business purpose and reality is. He established Resolution8 12 years ago this August, driven in part by a sense that, as a software developer, he didn’t get to see always the positive outcomes his work had for a business, navigating change and growth. And as onemight expect, with an arsenal of inter-connected skills to o er clients, it wasn’t long before the kind of service o ering also evolved, to bemuch wider than only systems programming. “Now, we’remore into strategic planning around IT solutions. I see that businesses are best served by accessing the expertise fromcompletely independent professionals, such as ourselves. We’re not a iliated to a particular type of software or solution o ering. We ended up o ering a new string to our bowwhich is our digital advisory part,” Peter says. Resolution8 has steadily grown, as its professional o ering has, meeting the business-systems needs of a growing cohort of clients which now spans all of NewZealand. “It’s the very best possible re lection on our work that one thing has seamlessly led to another. We’ve grown awhole lot of new processes and capability and today, with the team I have aroundme, all passionate about delivery to clients preciselywhat Passionate about innovation their business needs to thrive, I’m really pleasedwithwherewe are at.” To list all the services Resolution8 o ers is like awhat’s what of successful business foundation tools, fromdigital advisory, strategy and business case development, project delivery, data and innovation development and application to foundation support. In the case of Central Kids, Peter says, a challenge in understanding all the data the childcare centres had at their disposal, through various platforms, led his team to create a readily understood and accessible digital system. The system is used by centremanagers to easily access and extrapolate relevant information from. “Wewanted to break down all the complexity and present tools that were practical and delivered the information in real time. These professionals wanted facts and analysis to help inform their decision-making and to easily gather information they and other agencies, such as ERO, needed.” The bene it of this work for Central Kids, hasmeant Resolution8 can nowo er the suite of resources to thewider early childhood sector and is workingwith new clients in Nelson and Counties-Manukau Resolution8 o ers its expertise across a wide platformof sectors including agriculture, health, local and regional government. “We encourage you to get in touch, sit downwith us and talk about what matters to you and your business. We’re here to o er new solutions, an independent perspective and strategies to guide you each step of theway.” DIGITAL ADVISORY OUTCOMES DELIVERY INNOVATION AND DATA INSIGHTS Resolution8 is committed to building on your unique expertise – bringing quality, experience, innovation and delivering benefits and efficiency through partnership and our combined capabilities. INDEPENDENCE. ADVISORY. INSIGHT. RESOLUTION8 Proudly supporting Central Kids 0508 737 658