| 31 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Scafit Ltd: SARNZ 2023 Awards Scafit owners Nicki and David Crowley. www.onla.co.nz 06 355 1606 Iden�fy Opportuni�es Overcome Challenges Grow your business Achieve your goals Enjoy the success! Advisors for your business Advisory & Accounting Specialists elevate Business Advisory elevate your business with ONLA What does a business advisor do? A business advisor plays a crucial role in helping businesses solve problems, capitalising on opportunities, and achieving goals. The advisor's expertise and outside perspective can provide valuable insights and guidance to you as business owners and decision-makers. A business advisor can help you navigate periods of change, as well as help you understand the impacts of nancial decisions. Why you should consider a business advisor for your business? Do you nd yourself wearing many hats in your business? – jack of all trades, master of none? We can help you work out the best use of your time. Do you want to understand the key drivers in your business and how to capitalise on them? We will work with you to know your numbers. Have you set a business plan? We can hold you accountable to it. A business plan is a goal setting road map for your business. Don’t have one? We can help you set one. Why 'elevate' your business with ONLA? With our elevate advisory program we have all the tools needed to assist you, along with expert advice from our advisors who have run their own businesses and know what it’s like to be you. We work with you every step of the way. Here’s what our clients say; “ONLA have been instrumental in driving our business forward. Bobbie is the Chair of our Board, she helps us set our goals and holds us accountable to these which has helped us get to where we are today. The whole ONLA team are a fantastic support to our business.” Nicki Crowley, Sca t