Business Central July 2024

36 | FORESTRY Forest Enterprises T T Richard Loader A forestry investment success story Fifty-two years ago Forest Enterprises was founded in Masterton as the first business in New Zealand to introduce forestry as a public issue investment, providing mum and dad investors the opportunity to invest in pinus radiata. By the turn of the century, 20,000 hectares had been planted in pinus radiata in the Wairarapa, Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne, and the company had brought the investment administration and accounts inhouse. Forest Enterprises founder, Charles Wallis retired in 2000, and there are now six shareholder/executives in the business, all with complementary skills and experience across “Once harvest is completed, we enter into a second rotation and the forest is resold as a new investment vehicle. Over half of our investors reinvest, and the majority have multiple investments with us.” forestry management, finance, and legal. While the leadership of the business has changed, Forest Enterprises’ core ethos of maximising returns to its investors by prudently managing the radiata pine forest and their investment has remained constant. Focusing on what the company does well — a unique combination of sustainable forest management, investment administration, log harvest and marketing — has made Forest Enterprises one of New Zealand’s most successful forestry investment companies. Forest Enterprises now has around 6500 investors, across 50 forestry investments in the Wairarapa, Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne, and offers affordable investments for mum and T T to page 38 dad investors through to people looking for investment diversification in their portfolio. Investors have traditionally embraced families, individuals, family trusts and companies. Nicola Black, Head of Managed Investments, says that investments typically have a term of around thirty years. “Once harvest is completed, we enter into a second rotation and the forest is resold as a new investment vehicle. Over half of our investors reinvest, and the majority have multiple investments with us. Principal tree seed supplier to Forest Enterprises See our catalogue at Ph. 03 314 8978 Email: • Improved radiata pine seedlots • Improved macrocarpa and lusitanica • Durable and non-durable eucalyptus seedlots • New Zealand native species • Wide range of other species