4 | Taranaki: JGP Ltd T T Virginia Wright Committed to fostering region’s growth The JGP team - committed to fostering growth in Taranaki. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Eight years after Jodi Magee and John Glavey established JGP Ltd with just the two of them, their laptops and 35 years of collective experience, they now employ 28 people based at Ngāmotu House in New Plymouth with a satellite office in the Taupo region. The niche they targeted was providing project management and project engineering services directly to their clients. “We knew that what we did we did well, and we wanted to build something that was about improving that service across the Taranaki region. “Our vision and goal was, and still is, to be recognised as being the best in what we provide and to be able to continue to improve that through the learnings that we have from the various jobs and projects that we work on,” says John. JGP have a track-record and list of clients that demonstrates this commitment. Having originally provided services to the traditional oil and gas sector, they now apply their particular brand of expertise to projects across energy and infrastructure including methanol production, power generation, gas transmission, 3 waters, ports, and primary industries. Whatever the specific project, at the core of JGP’s approach is communication. “The key thing is having good communication with all the relevant stakeholders on a project, listening to what the client needs, and outlining that clearly so that everyone who’s involved in it, whether they’re directly working on it or the end-users, gets what they want,” says John. It may sound obvious, but client expectations are fundamental in managing and delivering projects successfully. JGP avoids the conflicts of interest involved in providing engineering and construction by focusing on stakeholder requirements, clear scope and control of quality, schedule, and cost. Managing project risks and their trademark communication underpin this with a skilled and integrated team. Covid, along with some government policy changes, gave JGP the push it needed to go beyond their more traditional clients as they dealt with serious uncertainty about where they might find their next job, let alone a pipeline of projects. Embracing the challenge to look further afield to where else they could apply their talents, they started further developing their infrastructure work and initiated their Asset Management Services. It’s a win-win as they work with owners such as local councils to anticipate regulatory inspections and the need for preventative maintenance of things like sewage systems and stormwater drain networks, and so avoid costly surprises. At the same time, they embraced the push from their young team to be involved in more sustainable energy projects. “They want us to be doing things for the betterment of the country and for our kids’ future so we’ve developed opportunities in that space with existing clients and we’re seeking out new clients as well,” says John. Their work with geothermal energy projects in the Taupo region and feasibility studies in the use of hydrogen, biomethane and biogas are good examples of leveraging an existing team’s skills to deliver projects in decarbonisation and renewable energy. They’re a friendly team of professionals from diverse backgrounds and engineering disciplines and their office in New Plymouth’s newly refurbished Ngāmotu House has an open door policy for anyone looking for their brand of specialised local experience. They’re proud to be part of the solution as they continue to look for new ways to apply their experience to help decarbonise the future of energy in New Zealand. 06 758 1223 | www.verbrec.com | Verbrec NZ Ltd: 435 Devon Street East, New Plymouth Consulting Engineers with expertise in: Verbrec are proud to support JGP Ltd Project Delivery • Engineering Design • Mechanical Engineering Chemical and Process Engineering • Instrument, Electrical and Control Engineering Civil and Structural Engineering • Fitness For Service • Asset Performance