Business Central July 2024

| 59 businesscentral Each edition priority delivered to your door. . Stay informed; we work with business owners and decision-makers across all economic sectors, pro iling their success. i ; i i i i - ll i , ili i . . . . i i 03 983 5525 03 983 5525 Your Business, Your Industry, Your News. Volume 6 | Issue 2 | April 2021 ‘Excellence in Energy’ Taranaki’s Todd Energy will have a key role to play as New Zealand moves toward a low emissions economy. Page 8 Waikato farmers Dean & Ang Finnerty have expanded their dairy cow operation into a successful goat milking enterprise as well PAGE 10 Turning challenge into opportunity AUTUMN 2022 Volume 6 | Issue 3 | July 2021 Making waves Back on track New Zealand hydrofoil maker Armstrong is generating interest around the world with its high performance products. Work on the ambitious NZCIS facility in Upper Hutt is progressing well after Covid disruptions. PAGE 70 PAGE 10 Healthy delivery A new elective surgery facility in Hastings will provide a big boost to the region’s operating capacity. PAGE 52 Volume 6 | Issue 5 | December 2021 Cheers Boys! YoungWellington irm3Māori Boys is creating a buzz with it’s ground-breakingWai Manuka natural beverage. PAGE 45 Passion and pride New Plymouth’s Energyworks has forged a strong reputation in 50 years of business. PAGE 64 Seaview upgrade CentrePort’s SeaviewWharf facility is set for a major upgrade to bring it up to international standards. PAGE 14 T T Hugh de Lacy Big win for Index Engineering Index Engineering provided the technical expertise and guidance in designing repairs of Oji Fibre Solution’s Kinleith pulp and paper mill. ENGINEERING Index Engineering When the lime kiln failed catastrophically at Oji Fibre Solution’s Kinleith pulp and paper mill at Tokoroa, it was Index Engineering of Rotorua that was called in to design and oversee the repairs – and it won a 2023 Association of Consulting Engineers NZ (ACENZ) Gold Award for the work. Production at the mill was significantly impacted when the lime kiln over-heated, the refractory bricks burned and collapsed into the kiln, its carbon steel shell corkscrewed and the lower part of the kiln slumped. To make matters worse, it happened during the Covid pandemic, and border controls meant that the kiln supplier’s engineers couldn’t make it to New Zealand to tackle the repairs which were expected to take months. Into the breach stepped Index Engineering led by founder Jan Snyman who provided the technical expertise and guidance in designing the urgently needed repairs, and “It is a testament to (Index Engineering’s) commitment and expertise that the repairs were completed in 3.5 weeks,” the ACENZ award judges said. “Index is acknowledged for the excellence in delivery and execution of the consulting service.” “The award for the Kinleith kiln repair was especially significant to us because it highlighted our ability to react quickly to what was a desperate situation, and to get the mill running again in the shortest possible time,” Jan says. The ACENZ award followed the Rotorua Chamber of Commerce’s Emerging Business of the Year Award in 2012 and Employer of the Year Award in 2022, and in 2023 Index also received an award from the Maintenance Engineering Society of NZ for Best Reliability Improvement Project. The name Index is an acronym for Industrial Design Expertise/Excellence, and over the past 14 years the company has grown to a team of 15, with three directors: Jan Snyman as Technical Manager, Ingrid Snyman as Business Manager and Tom Knight as Team Lead. The company offers a range of services to clients especially in the pulp and paper, energy, wood processing and food and drink industries. An important part of the company’s work is in design verification in which it serves as a Type C inspection body under Regulation 25 of the Health and Safety in Employment Act, relating to pressure equipment, cranes and passenger ropeways. Index Engineering is accredited to design and verify pressure vessels and piping for hazard levels A to E, boilers and cranes, and it maintains an ISO/NZS 17020 quality management system. The company also provides certification to clients in the form of design reviews, construction reviews and design statements. It is equipped to undertake fitness for service assessments, finite element analysis and remaining-life studies. On-site technical support is provided to clients across New Zealand. The team can handle the whole process from conceptual design through to detailed design engineering, using Solidworks animation when needed to illustrate a flow or action, while plant and equipment can be digitally scanned. Actively involved in the Rotorua community, the company donates one per cent of its consulting fees to charities addressing social and environmental needs. We are a local business serving the South Waikato with a wide range of survey and land development services. Ph 07 883 3198 Lloyds Approved Metallizing Specialists General & Precision Engineers We are proud to have been a long time supplier to Index Engineering, providing medium to large scale Machining, Fitting, Metallizing and now NZ’s first ever Laser Cladding capabilities ensuring quality and completion times are met on all shutdowns and breakdowns.