66 | “There’s business coming to this town and I can see why. It’s ideally located in a busy triangle between Tauranga, Rotorua and Hamilton and has both road and rail at its door-step.” Passionate Putaruru promotors Domain Holdings’ investment in Putaruru includes two subdivisions, each of 19 lots. Sections in the second subdivision at Scotia Glen are expected to be released to market soon. Domain Holdings T T Sue Russell DEVELOPMENT Sam Wulff and Dave Macfarlane both share a passion for promoting ‘smalltown’ south Waikato. As property developers they sometimes work together to achieve this vision, as is the case with their investments in Putaruru, including two subdivisions, each of 19 lots. In the case of the Maple Drive subdivision, when Business Central spoke with Sam, 11 houses had already been built. Sections in the second subdivision at Scotia Glen are expected to be released to market in the near future. Sam says demand has been very positive and he’s not surprised by this, given the severe shortage of quality sections available in the town, coupled with an increase in new people coming into the district. The second subdivision came onto the market a few months before Christmas and Sam is optimistic the market will react well to this second offering. The aim is to provide good quality entry or second homes for existing or new people into the district. Not only have the team invested in residential projects they have also seen great potential in purchasing an old sawmill site of 14.5 ha, 13 years ago, transforming the abandoned site into a $35million super-centre called ‘Buttermilk’. Sam says when the opportunity came up to purchase the site, both he and Dave could see its potential, as a manufacturing/storage/ warehousing facility for a multitude of businesses, looking to establish in the town. The name ‘Buttermilk’, carries its own story, as Sam explains. Sitting on SH1, just south of the town, ‘Buttermilk’ was named in part to recognise the opportunities that come from developing the old site into something rather special. “We bought the redundant saw mill from Carter Holt. We called it Buttermilk, as a nod to the dairying sector so strong in this region, and to reflect our belief that this site held great potential. A bit like how buttermilk, a waste product from manufacturing butter, is the key ingredient in wonderful buttermilk scones,” Sam says. In all, some 150 people gain meaningful employment on the industrial site, a significant cohort for a small town which at times has struggled to create work opportunities. “We knew that housing was going to become more and more in demand and that’s why we decided to start developing residential areas. It just makes sense! If you’re going to create places for people to work, they in turn need homes to live in.” A third subdivision, adjacent to the golf course was planned. This would have offered those seeking life-style size blocks to build on, however when a retirement village company expressed interest in the land, it was subsequently sold. Sam says he’s delighted to see Putaruru in an increasingly positive position. “There’s business coming to this town and I can see why. It’s ideally located in a busy triangle between Tauranga, Rotorua and Hamilton and has both road and rail at its door-step.” Believing that investment is about creating your own luck and not just relying on time to create change, both Sam and Dave, feel the township is in a positive situation to embrace more people shifting into the district. Asked what makes them tick as property developers Sam says, he and Dave have quite different personality traits. “It’s those differences that work so well because we come toward potential projects with our unique perspectives and by working together we find the best path forward. We try wherever we can, to use the services of local trades, to keep the money local. It’s what makes the town work.” Sam says that with a Council who carry a ‘can-do’ attitude, towns in the South Waikato region are gradually experiencing new growth and opportunities. “There’s a lot to be said for living in a smaller town, still within easy reach of larger cities. Putaruru is in a perfect position geographically and the cost of leasing or buying commercial land sits well compared to more heavily populated centres.” We are a local business serving the South Waikato with a wide range of survey and land development services. Ph 07 883 3198 office@nicholsonsurveying.co.nz Your Local Home Build Expert. 027 251 2197 johnr@cambridgehomes.co.nz www.cambridgehomes.co.nz