| 7 Taranaki: Inglewood Timber Processors REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Inglewood Timber Processors buys in rough-sawn dry 200mm by 40mm timber boards, and processes them into scaffolding planks and animal bedding for the New Zealand market, and solid-core doors for Australia. Today Mark and Brian own the company along with Mark’s wife Michelle, and it employs 10 staff, down from the 24 at its peak 14 years ago. The wood shavings are a by-product of the planning of the timber, and are distributed throughout Taranaki and further afield for the in-door bedding of poultry, dairy cows and race-horses. The scaffolding planks are distributed New Zealand-wide while the timber for the Australian solid-core doors is processed through a finger-jointer and a door-press, and then planed and sanded. “Twelve months ago the Aussie market for solid-core doors was as dead as a door-nail, but it’s coming back slowly now,” Mark says. The company freights its products throughout the country and is regularly audited by Asure Quality, MPI, Scion and the international verifier Bureau Veritas. “The setbacks we’ve had to put up with over the past few years have made us resilient, and we intend to survive if at all possible,” Mark says. With 55 years’ experience as a general freight carrier, your goods are in our good hands. We specialise in cartage of produce, agriculture, timber, lime, stock food, & bagged fertiliser; servicing the North Island Daily. BIG ENOUGH TO COMPETE, SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE PROUDLY SUPPORTING INGLEWOOD TIMBER Fintax Chartered Accountants Limited Contact us today (06) 756 8189 fintaxltd@xtra.co.nz P.O Box 7, Inglewood 4347 28 Brown St, Inglewood Taranaki For all your Accounting and Management Advisory needs and Taxation Services