80 | BUILDING Agility Builders T T Virginia Wright Quality, flexibility, communication key “Obviously whether it’s a renovation or a new build there’s a lot of money involved. Communication is critical to keep things going smoothly,” says Agility Builders’ Dave Twigg. Owned by Dave and Shelley Twigg the name Agility Builders appeared on the Wellington scene only six years ago but Dave had effectively been running the same business for several years before that. Having completed his apprenticeship aged 21 some years earlier, and with Shelley then living in Christchurch, it was an easy move south to take a job with the Christchurch based company Agility Building Solutions in the post-earthquake boom. In 2016 with their first baby due they moved back to Wellington with Dave continuing to work as an employee with the Christchurch company until 2018. “I set it up with all my contacts and I was doing everything as if it was my own business anyway. It made sense to make it mine, so I took it over keeping the seven staff, rebranded with Agility Builders and not a lot else changed,” explains Dave. At the end of 2018 they achieved a smooth transition with some good accountants helping Dave and Shelley adjust to running their own business. With builders in high demand the staff slowly increased over the following years to 20, including Dave. Shelley does the accounts and invoicing while running the household with their now three children, Indie (7yrs), and twins Matilda and Darcy who just turned five. With an emphasis on quality, flexibility and communication Agility Builders generally do mid to high-end renovations and new builds. Anything from a laundry or bathroom, to putting a second story on a house or other major extension work. “We do a lot of high-end architectural work and any new-builds as well as some light commercial. We’re currently doing a beauty salon fit-out in Tawa , we’ve just done a couple of offices in Petone, and we’ve just finished a multi-million dollar new house on the Kapiti Coast,” says Dave. With eight of their builders having over 20 years’ experience, Agility Builders take their responsibilities seriously. “Obviously whether it’s a renovation or a new build there’s a lot of money involved. Things can get complicated and stressful so we really pride ourselves on being open and communicating well. Whether it’s with clients or sub-contractors or internally with staff, communication is critical to keep things going smoothly,” says Dave. They like a challenge too which is why they have taken on several car decks which, in Wellington’s steep and crowded streets, are generally on tricky sites with bad access. “Car decks are quite basic structures but they are heavily engineered and generally on steep sites so we enjoy the challenge,” says Dave. Agility Builders are partnered with Christchurch company Formance who make the SIPs (Structurally Insulated Panels) which Dave describes as “having a high-density foam core with a structural sheet lining either side.” The panels come in sections up to1200 wide and different heights to build up the walls with openings already in them he explains. “The panels are made in a factory in Christchurch, so what we receive on site is several pallets of these panels, all numbered with a plan so you know how to fit them together. They’re already insulated and they give you a drier, air-tight house. You’ve got solid walls there rather than sticks of timber so it speeds things up on site too,” says Dave. Dave generally has a handful of apprentices in their tight-knit team, but not necessarily straight from school, with the team’s average age being over 30. “We’ve got one young apprentice who’s just turned 21 but he’s the youngest by a long way and we have one who’s in his early 50’s from an oil and gas background. “Building isn’t for everyone so we look for maturity regardless of how old they are,” says Dave. Dave confesses to being competitive personally and has no qualms in saying he wants to be as good as they can be as a company. “To do that we really have to be providing the best service and having happy clients at the end of each job,” he says. Given that he still collaborates on several renovations a year with the first client he had after coming back to Wellington, interior design company Tate Design, his concentration on good service and communication clearly has the company heading in the direction he wants it to go. Custom Floor Sanding Specialist Covering the Greater Wellington region Custom Staining | Oiling | Waterborne Polyurethane | Polishing | Floor Prep www.nativegrainflooring.co.nz 022 400 5658 nativegrainflooring@gmail.com