Business Central July 2024

| 87 Versatile Homes Manawatu: Atlantic drive The 210sqm home is clad in rockcote and weatherboard. Currently under construction the home is due to open to the public mid this year. BUILDING Fisher Windows - Palmerston North is proud to be selected by Versatile Homes - Manawatu for the supply of Aluminium Joinery for their projects. WI NDOWS B AY O F P L E N T Y ® Bay of Plenty y Owned and me talk to our am to discuss y joinery for 1049 Tremaine Avenue, Palmerston North ph 06-356-7058 Nathan Jefferies: 021 452 540 Email: We offer an efficient and comprehensive earthmoving service. From concrete prep, top soil supply and house foundations to farm race maintenance. • Scaffolding • Enclosures • Safety Nets • Mobiles • Fencing • Formwork 100%Locally Owned 0800 4 SCAFIT (0800 4 722 348) Proudly supporting Versatile Homes Manawatu