| 99 KDH Kiwi Designed Homes Kiwi Designed Homes’ (KDH) Blair Ridley and Steve Moore outside the new premises. BUILDING Feel free to call Steve Jones on 0274 958622 for expert advise on any KDH relocations 07 574 7100 or 0274 956 822 sales@bophouseremovals.co.nz www.bophouseremovals.co.nz NZ Heavy Haulage Association Member Whether this is your future home, or you’re making way for a new project, you need expert advice and a professional service. Steve Jones is the owner and operator of Bay of Plenty House Removals Ltd and believes in doing it right every time! BOP House Removals has a large eet of vehicles to move houses and heavy haulage in the safest, fastest manner. We have modern hyraulic li ing technology, high-li hydraulic trailers and jacking plants to ensure the highest level of safety is maintained. If you're buying or selling, li ing or shi ing, call us rst! Removals | Basement Li | Repiling | Tra c Control | Heavy Haulage