Business Central June 2023

| 23 Taranaki: NZ Forestry T T Russell Fredric Delivering on NZ forestry potential NZ Forestry manages forests that cover an area of 38,000 hectares across the North Island. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT T T to page 24 I & D GEORGE CONTRACTING FOR ALL YOUR CONTRACTING NEEDS Inglewood, New Zealand, 4386 | 06-752 2055 | Bridge Street, Eltham • Phone (06) 764 8205 • · Palm Kernal · Fertiliser · Loader · Road cartage · Air strip cartage · Grader · Lime fines · Flat decks · Metal supplies · Tippers · Bottom dumpers · Farm tracks · Machine transporter Doing due diligence when assessing the investment potential of a forestry plantation is the key to achieving the most favourable return, NZ Forestry co-director Cam Eyre says. “Forestry is a 26-year-plus rotational investment. You are better off to get it right at the start and that’s where we get involved; get your location right, make sure you are in a good growth area, plant it well and get it established and then look after it. “If you get those things right, along with proper business structures, it works well.” Headquartered in Whangarei and New Plymouth, NZ Forestry (NZF) has been run by Jeremy Waldegrave and Cameron Eyre, who are registered forestry consultants, since 2015 after being established by its previous directors in 2001. Between them and their 10-strong team of qualified foresters, NZF brings a considerable breadth and depth of qualifications and experience to the business and its clients. “It’s about having quality people for NZF. The offices are located in the regions and our team is an active part of the community.” This core team is complemented by about 300 subcontractors in the regions where NZF manages forests that cover an area of 38,000 hectares. “We’ve grown the company to provide full service forest management with local care across the North Island and now the South Island,” Cam says.