| 53 Kim Newth Committed to fostering local partnerships Recent projects have included building the Westway pipe bridge across a ravine in the Whanganui district. Downer - Taranaki CONTRACTING Across New Zealand, Downer is the largest provider of infrastructure services in the core sectors of transport, utilities and facilities. At the regional level, Downer has a strong commitment to local partnerships and fostering community connections. Leading Downer Taranaki Whanganui as regional manager is Kevin Williams, who says Downer has long history of civil construction in the region. Downer’s ongoing contribution there is considerable - and not only in the sphere of infrastructure improvement as Downer is also a key local employer that cares about people and community. “I’m part of Downer’s transport arm in Taranaki: we employ roughly 270 staff based in Taranaki and Whanganui and use a lot of subcontractors throughout the region. We also have a sizeable Utilities team in Taranaki undertaking various power, gas and telecommunications contracts, and a small facilities team that delivers catering and cleaning throughout the region.” Kevin observes that finding new staff with industry experience is challenging but Downer is addressing the skills shortage by providing comprehensive training opportunities to those with the right attitude. “We’re always on the hunt for good people and offer a really supportive, solutions-focused culture. We take people coming out of high school and provide them with a career pathway. Our cadets complete their Diploma in Civil Engineering over four years, at the same time gaining a lot of practical experience. “We look after our people in other ways too. For example, we recently supported Robin Smith to compete in the Speed Golf World Championship, in which he finished sixth in the individual event and first place in the teams’ event. We like to treat staff like family.” Downer Taranaki Whanganui’s transport team works closely with their clients in Taranaki and Whanganui on transport infrastructure such as footpaths, roads and bridges, as well as construction of three waters infrastructure (drinking water, stormwater and wastewater). “We have fantastic working relationships with our local councils.” Recent projects have included building the Westway pipe bridge across a ravine in the Whanganui district and a highly technical project in New Plymouth (Waiwaka Terrace) that involved relining and restabilising pipes underneath urban housing. Innovative tech- “We take people coming out of high school and provide them with a career pathway.” nology - a silent piler – was used to minimise disruption to the neighbourhood. Downer’s Whanganui Alliance team, working together with the Whanganui District Council, was instrumental in achieving ISO 44001: the Collaborative Business Relationship Management Standard in 2019 and was recertified last year. Downer was the first business in New Zealand – and the only infrastructure business in Australasia - to have achieved this certification. “It speaks volumes for the relationships we hold in this region.” In partnership with local councils and Waka Kotahi (NZ Transport Agency), Downer Taranaki Whanganui is working smarter to help manage rising supply costs and supply chain issues. “As well as trying to be as efficient as possible with our works planning, we are also recycling and reusing as much materials as possible from our works, such as reusing material from milled surfaces as aggregate on other projects.” Downer Taranaki Whanganui is a leading proponent of electrical and hybrid vehicles for a cleaner future, with petrol and diesel vehicles gradually being phased out in their light vehicle fleet. Giving back to the community is important for Downer, whose New Plymouth Infrastructure Partnership team recently volunteered time to help develop a garden at Taranaki Base Hospital’s new renal unit. The team has also built three pump tracks at local schools over the past year and just before Christmas made a generous donation of non-perishable food to local charity On the House. Downer is also a major sponsor of the 2023 Downer NZ Masters Games in Whanganui. Traffic Management Solutions • Temporary Traffic Management We deliver cost-effective TTM solutions ensuring your worksite, staff and motorists stay safe and compliant. • Traffic Management Plans (TMP) Our large TMP Team are Waka Kotahi qualified, with L2-3 STMS-NP practical and theoretical knowledge of TTM. www.trafficsafe.co.nz | 0508 TRAFFIC