54 | Kelly Deeks The Buzz Electrics team in fine form at the awards. Buzz Electrics Buzz’s team still buzzing CONTRACTING Electrical industry stalwart Buzz Barham has taken out one of the top Master Electricians Excellence Awards, being named Industry Champion for his passion for not only his own business but for the industry as a whole, but was he the biggest winner of the night? Buzz has quadrupled his team at Buzz Electrics in the Hawke’s Bay over the past few years. Being well-respected by all his peers within the industry, he also takes great care of his own team, even opening his home to employees when they have been struggling. He is and has been a valued contributor to industry and to the Master Electricians brand, as he encourages participation in the Apprentice of the Year awards and the Excellence awards. This award, combined with the silver award in the project under $1 million category for the upgrade to Napier wool factory Cavalier Bremworth, and the excellence award for a project of $1 to $5 million for Buzz Electrics’ work at Villa Maria’s new winery, as well as a Judges Special Recommendation award for Buzz Electrics automation engineer Carl Williams who drove the Cavalier Bremworth upgrade, shows just how successful Buzz has been at instilling and encouraging the skills of his team. At Villa Maria’s new winery build in the Hawke’s Bay, Buzz Electrics created an automated electrical systems package to cover the whole site operation, from product delivery, services control, and winery monitoring through to the finished wine product. “We were chosen over other contractors for this project due to our capable installation team, automation team, and communications division,” Buzz says. “We installed multiple PLCs all with remote I/O, more than 50 VSDs, and an industrial automation network all communicating over the fibre-optic networks which were installed by our communications team.”Buzz Electrics designed and installed three critical areas of the new winery. In the services area, where the refrigeration, hot water, potable water, UV units, glycol tanks and delivery pumps, and two back up generators are sited, Buzz Electrics installed a services PLC with remote IO communicating to multiple other areas of the winery including the remote water supply bore , the waste water treatment plant, and the remote black water site. The receival area, where grapes are unloaded, weighed, and processed, operates on its own fully automated process control system with two local SCADA CLIENT PCs controlling each individual receival path, which can also be controlled remotely. In the barrel halls, which include a grape chiller, a chardonnay barrel hall and three red barrel halls, these rooms are all individually controlled and can heat or cool depending on the requirements of the winery. All access points are accessible from SCADA and off site if required, so winemakers can monitor and maintain the barrel halls. On receipt of this award, Buzz took the opportunity to celebrate with a surprise proposal to his partner Maria Hooper, stunning the crowd by reaching for a ring box which had been placed on the on-stage trophy table by awards staff who were more than happy to oblige. The next surprise was for Buzz, who hadn’t been told be was going to receive the prestigious Industry Champion Award. Buzz Electrics is a business based in longterm relationships, training and mentoring, and a strong focus on full compliance and competent electrical services. Proudly supporting Buzz Electrics www.jarussell.co.nz Austin St, Onekawa, Napier