| 31 Hawke’s Bay Airport has transitioned to a hybrid Outlander and battery-electric vehicles for airfield response. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Hawke’s Bay: Hawke’s Bay Airport Supplying clean green power throughout Aotearoa, Ecotricity is New Zealand’s only independent retailer of 100% renewable and carbonzero certi ied electricity, sourced from wind, hydro and solar. Founded in 2014 by brothers and current directors Mark and Al Yates, Ecotricity was born from a vision to provide Kiwis with cleaner energy options for future generations, an ethos that continues to be at the heart of the company. Since its inception Ecotricity has continued to grow year on year. “We are carbonzero Certi ied and a proud member of organisations like Sustainable Business Network and Enviro-Mark Solutions — the leading provider of environmental certi ication in New Zealand,” says Al Yates. “We’re also active members for the Climate Change Coalition. Our membership of those organisations enables our commercial customers to demonstrate that they are doing their best to reduce their carbon emissions and meet the sustainable requirements that increasingly form part of companies polices. Hawke’s Bay Airport is one of the commercial clients that we provide energy to and they are also Carbon Zero Certi ied.” From a residential perspective Al says consumers have gained signi icantly more appreciation of the Making ‘clean, green’ power accessible impact of their own emissions and what that means for the planet along with greater awareness of greener and more sustainable solutions available to them. “That awareness has also supported our growth. Ecotricity has been at the forefront of changing attitudes of New Zealand consumers. The use of green energy used to be a niche for those who knew about sustainability or had a passion for being green. Ecotricity has played a huge part in bridging the gap to make green energy more accessible to mainstream consumers through education and encouraging the movement towards cleaner energy use.” In early 2021 Ecotricity and Genesis Energy entered into a NewRenewable partnership accelerating the development of new wind, solar and storage projects. “Genesis’ commitments to developing 2,600 Gwh per annum of new renewable projects aligned with Ecotricity’s vision of moving New Zealand to a renewable energy future.” Not only is Ecotricity doing its best to shape a better and cleaner New Zealand, it is also Living Wage Certi ied. “We value our sta and want to ensure they’re in a inancial position to enjoy life and support their families,” says Al. “Becoming Living wage Certi ied was the right thing to do for our team.” NZ’s cleanest and greenest electricity power company. carbonzero certified means we measure and o set all emissions. We purchase the same amount of wind, hydro and solar electricity that we supply customers on an annualised basis. www.ecotricity.co.nz | 0800 845 000