56 | Forest360 FORESTRY ‘One-stop shop’ forest management T T from page 54 Forest360 is in target to harvest 1.5 million tonnes of logs this year. “Forests under our management range from small half-hectare woodlots owned by farmers through to larger privately syndicated blocks, right through to larger corporate forests, many of which are foreign owned. “Our largest estate would be just under 10,000 hectares. In total we currently we have about 30,000 hectares of forestry under full forestry management contracts nationwide.” On track to harvest 1.5 million tonnes of logs this year, Forest 360 currently manages 50 logging crews, the vast majority of which are contracted out to highly professional and skilled logging operators. “Our services includes everything from forest establishment and silviculture right through to harvest planning, road construction, harvesting and marketing, buying and selling forests. “We’re a one-stop-shop, specialising in all aspects of forest management. I think we’re on track to do a bit over 5000 hectares of establishment or replanting this year.” In recent times carbon and land use has become a large part of Forest360’s operation and has established a large carbon and land use team for land use analysis, carbon trading and carbon registration. “Carbon farming is essentially growing a tree crop for carbon, and there are different ways of doing it including the traditional radiata method or indigenous — there are all sorts of different carbon crop options. “A farmer might have some marginal land on their property that cannot be utilised for livestock or crops, or its erosion prone, but is ideal for planting trees to get a regular income through carbon credits that might be worth up to $2000 a hectare a year. That provides a very diverse investment portfolio for a landowner who has different land classes.” Averaging Accounting is a new model that relates to the average volume of carbon that would be stored in a forest over multiple rotations. The assumption is that, as the forest is grown and harvested, total carbon fluctuates but there is an ‘average’ volume of carbon that would be stored in the forest. “The farmer takes the average amount of carbon over the first 16-18 years and then harvests the forest. The farmer doesn’t have to repay the carbon credits collected over the life of the forest, unless there is a change in land use. So you get a carbon revenue of the first 16 – 18 years and then a timber revenue after 25 – 27 years. The good thing about carbon is that the land owner can keep it in their NZ Units account and doesn’t have to sell it.” Proud of Forest360’s evolution over the last 18 years, Marcus says the business is about people. “Your business is your people and if you have the right people you make the best informed decisions for the benefit of the customer.” Contact Dave Marks 021 480 085 | dave.marks@bwrs.co.nz - Forestry & Timber Industry insurance solutions - Like you we’re local. We understand what makes the logging industry tick. As a member of your advisory team, we’ll help you achieve your business goals. Get in touch and let us help you thrive in changing world. Heavy Haulage Specialists New Zealand Wide Over dimensional loads up to 150 ton • Inter island cartage • Class 1 & 2 pilots Call: Barry 0274 335 799 | Matt 027 433 5798 office@brst.co.nz | www. satherleytransport.co.nz Next Generation Ford Ranger is on its way. Brand new design with enhanced powertrains. The smartest, most capable, and most versatile FORD Ranger ever! Contact me today to secure yours. wanganui motors: proud vehicle supplier for marcus and the team at forest 360