60 | Teamwork key for contractor T T from page 58 Havendale Logging operates a fully mechanised swing yarder crew and a small ground based crew. Havendale Logging FORESTRY “My passion for the industry, our work and the team is not just about cutting trees down in a highly safe and professional manner. “The focus isn’t just about being at work. We have to be invested from the outside in. When we do our quarterly reviews, we also do something outside of work as a group, be it ten pin bowling, go-karts, clay bird shooting. Whether at work, at play or at home, we are all still together as a team.” Chris has no hesitation in recommending forestry as a career but says you wouldn’t make it a career if you didn’t have some form of passion for it. Your heart has to be in it, because there are certainly easier ways of making money. “But forestry is only getting better, safer and more professional. You are in multi-million dollar bits of gear and using remote operated machinery and robotics. A high level of intellect is needed to do these jobs, which means the rewards are getting bigger and bigger.” Complementing his team, the work in the field and the machinery is the relationships with the myriad of unseen suppliers and creditors who make the job possible. “That includes FML, the fuel company, the heavy transport companies, the engineers, automotive mechanics, safety and PPP equipment suppliers and the organisations who lend us the money to purchase expensive state of the art machinery.” Chris says there is one other person who has played a key role throughout Havendale Logging’s 14-year journey — his wife Kirsten. “Amongst all the chaos we have had three children and I have very much appreciated the part Kirsten has played in the business. I’m working from dawn till dusk, while she gets the kids off to school.” Mike Pascoe, the Managing Director of Masterton based Heavy Diesel Repairs (HDR) recently asked a key customer what he felt set the business apart, from others in the region. It was a courageous question, but Mike says having that outside feedback is critical to on-going success. “The customer told me it was HDR’s approach and personal involvement with the business and operations. We’re not just out there itting a ilter and driving away. It’s about having a personal involvement and understanding about how the customer’s business operates and tailoring our service to suit that when needed.” Originally hailing from Invercargill, Mike established HDR as a heavy diesel equipment repair business in 2016. Taking an opportunity to relocate to Masterton later that year and sub-contract his services to an ex-colleague Mike has never looked back. “Masterton and the Wairarapa is a beautiful wee spot. I liken it to Invercargill in that it’s a smaller farming based community with likeminded people.” Always with the understanding that he would operate on his own account, Mike subcontracted for a couple of years before inally taking the bold step. “I started just with myself, the toolbox and truck and since then HDR has continued to grow along with our customer base. Last year we took on a quali ied mechanic and another one joined us last month. Both Jamie and Jacob are key to HDR’s continued growth. My partner Brianna does a great job looking after all the o ice administration.” Undertaking any major mechanical repairs from leased premises on DA McGovern Engineering’s yard in Waingawa, South Masterton, HDR is predominantly ield based with three vehicles on the road, operating mainly throughout the Wairarapa, with some clients in Wellington and Manawatu. “We consider ourselves to be Wairarapa’s key heavy diesel equipment repairer — that includes excavators, bulldozers, dump trucks, purpose built forestry machinery, and mining equipment. Our primary customer base is forestry, followed by farming, earthmoving and mining. We o er a mobile 24/7 service for urgent repairs to keep our clients operating when they need to be operating. Taking a personal note as to how the issue impacts on the clients business is something we take pretty seriously and go that extra mile to ensure we can keep everyone moving.” Mike adds that HDR’s success is not just about the service o ered by the team at HDR, it is also about the wider group of businesses and contractors that all operate together for the same positive outcome. “We lean o each other to achieve what we do – it’s just brilliant.” Heavy diesel repairs Combining years of knowledge and experience throughout the forestry, mining, earth moving and agriculture sectors. 6 Ahumahi Road, Waingawa, Masterton. 021 711 921 24/7 Mobile and Workshop Heavy Diesel Repairs & Servicing