| 69 PRODUCTION Kaimai Greens Rapid expansion for growers T T Sue Russell The Kaimai Greens’ team inside one of the six greenhouses. Five years ago Matamata landscapers and farmers Scott Brindle and Bianca Kampshof decided it was time to ‘get healthy’ and grow some microgreens for themselves. Little did they know that just a few years later, Kaimai Greens, would flourish into one of this country’s largest producers of the ‘power-houses of energy’. Located between Matamata and Te Aroha the production garden today spreads over six greenhouses and the couple employ a team of five. The germinating, growing, harvesting, marketing process is one that continues all year. “There are definitely health benefits to eating plants seasonally and we use nature to tell us when to grow particular species,” Scott explains. The couple knew of some restaurant owners who were keen to bring micro-greens onto the menu and the rest, they say, is history. Scott says they were largely helped by Gus Tissink General Manager at Bidfresh Hamilton who has always believed in their products. “We now supply to Bidfresh Hamilton and Bidfood in Tauranga as well as selected New World and Pak ‘n Save stores throughout the Waikato, Bay of Plenty, and the Hawke’s Bay. Having the Biogro Organic Certification is also important to us as these businesses want to be able to supply their customers with genuine organic products.” Biogro certification requires a regular audit and for Scott and Bianca this is incredibly important. “We’re finding there are so many food products being described as organic but there is no way of knowing whether they really are. With the Biogro certification the food has been grown to strict organic standards.” Scott maintains that anyone with an interest in growing microgreens can do so, on a small scale, but to grow them to the volumes they do at Kaimai Greens can bring challenges. “There are a lot of things that come into play. On a large scale one small change in environmental conditions or soil quality can have a big impact.” Some species of Microgreens can regrow once snipped back for selling and the couple have put in a lot of time researching which crops to grow when. Outside the greenhouses Scott and Bianca also grow edible flowers to supply cafes and restaurants. He recalls when the first lockdown happened in March 2020, they were overwhelmed by enquiries as to how to grow microgreens. Asked what occupies his days Scott says, as a relatively young business, it is still very important that he is hands-on, overseeing the work of others and getting his fingers in the soil. “I am though having to take a little bit of a step back now that the business is at this scale.” And when we’re talking large-scale, this is exactly what Kaimai Greens is with thousands of trays seeded up each week and about 15,000 trays in growing state at any given time. With different germination and growing periods, there’s a lot of time-management involved to ensure crops are cut and harvested at exactly the right time. Constantly monitoring the weather is an important activity with sunlight conditions determining the right kind of shade-cloth to use and the time to use them. “It is labour intensive but very satisfying work, seeing the plants grow well, knowing they are providing our customers with high quality nutrients to sell and use,” says Scott. Asked what could be done to assist families at this time when the cost of food is increasing so much Scott says he would like to see some essential foods, like fruit and vegetables, bread and grains, marketed without GST. “That happens in some countries overseas. Governments see the value in ensuring good food is accessible to all families.” He’s proud of the fact that their microgreens are grown in real conditions. By that Scott means in real soil, under real sun and hand watered. “You can tell the difference between greens grown out of the soil to those grown in hydroponics where everything is artificial and quality and nutrition does not compare. We work with nature as it was intended to grow plants. Our products are more robust, none of our stuff is stringy.” As for the future, Scott expects in time they will outgrow their current situation, but at present, he’s happy with how the business is performing. “We’ve worked hard to be where we are in such a short space of time.” • Trenching For Drainage & Power • Pile & Post Hole Boring • Stump Grinding • Section Clearing & Site Prep • Topsoil Placement & Leveling • Landscaping • Soak Holes • Rotary HoeWork Great service, guaranteed! 021 744 402 arniesdingoservices@gmail.com arniesdingoservices.co.nz . . . PROUDLY SUPPORTING KAIMAI GREENS • Friendly, professional and practical • Competitive, transparent fees • Fast turnaround • Finds the best solutions for YOUR business YOUR TRUSTED LOCAL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT JESSICA REISIMA MORR INSV I LLE I MATAMATA I TE AROHA I CAMBR IDGE T 021 109 5650 | E jessicareisima@gmail.com jessicareisimacharteredaccountant › Graphic Design › Self-Adhesive Labels › Business Stationery › Promotional Stationery › Pull-up Banners › A2 and A1 Posters › Signage › Vehicle Signage › Footpath Signs › Brochures › Docket Books (duplicate and triplicate) THINKING so you don’t have to 7 Short Street, Matamata, 3400 07 888 7176 | 0800 280 082 print@tainuipress.co.nz | www.tainuipress.co.nz