| 81 BUILDING Wairarapa - Dawes Construction Focus on high-end builds in Wairarapa Masterton-based Dawes Construction covers the whole Wairarapa, with new builds its core business. Marty Dawes and his team of eight operate out of Masterton. Marty himself lives at Riversdale Beach, 40km east of Masterton in the Wairarapa. Marty says he’s pleased with how the company, founded in 2002, has progressed and he puts its success down to being choosy about the projects it takes on, mainly focussing on higher-end architecturally designed residences. “We cover the whole Wairarapa. While the core work are new builds, we do also take on additions and alterations. We also take on some maintenance work for our well-established clients.” Marty employs one apprentice and says BCITO do a good job looking after his learning. The apprenticeship pathway is different these days from when Marty undertook his qualifications. “We had to do yearly blocks. Now apprentices don’t do that at all. BCITO manage passing their units. I find working on new house builds gives apprentices opportunities to do all sorts of building and they get a great pride out of seeing a project completed.” For the last three years Marty has concentrated on the management and project management spaces and he says Covid has certainly impacted on availability of materials and surety around scheduling work. “It’s taking me more time to get materials. You have to be prepared to travel to get them and that takes up a lot of my time at the moment.” When Business Central spoke with Marty he was beginning to consider whether it made good sense to employ someone just to travel to collect materials. In March the company had four projects on the go. One project, a large residence in Riversdale Beach is inspiring, given its architectural detail. “It’s certainly one of the most detailed and T T Sue Russell challenging jobs we’ve undertaken and we’re really enjoying it.” At 240m2, Marty says the detail is in the treatment of materials both interior and exterior with a mix of colour-steel, cedar, spottled gum decking, hemlock exposed rafters and birch plywood interior cladding and joinery. It is scheduled to be completed at the end of April 2022. And a future project, transforming a church into a cafe, promises to be something very special says Marty. Asked about future intentions to grow the company he says he’s happy with its current size, especially given supply chain uncertainties brought on by the pandemic. Work takes the team all over the Wairarapa with recent upcoming project in Martinborough and Greytown. “I think also working in a small settlement, people get to know you and the work you do. It’s always nice to have a local project on the go.” Brought up in the era where parents said ‘If you want to leave school, you have to have a job’, Marty says he wouldn’t want to be working in any other sector. He also prefers to undertake the project management for all his projects, saying it means he has complete control over how a build progresses. “It’s definitely better for us and for the client. It’s also a win-win with sub-trades. We use the same guys on a lot of our projects and the benefits flow for them and for us. They understand the standard of work we build to.” NEW AND RE-ROOF SPECIALISTS • FREE QUOTES • 027 287 6633 • WWW.ATROOFING.CO.NZ • ATROOFINGNZ@GMAIL.COM PROUD TO SUPPORT DAWES CONSTRUCTION Plumb U Ltd Plumbing, Drainage & Gas Director, Certifying Plumber, Drainlayer IQP Backflow Certification Ph: 0211449407 Commercial, New Housing & Residential Plumbing Free Quotes Backflow Prevention Certification 021 758 290 businesscentral Each edition priority delivered to your door. . Stay informed; we work with business owners and decision-makers across all economic sectors, pro iling their success. i ; i i i i - ll i , ili i . www.waterfordpress.co.nz/subscriptions . . . i i 03 983 5525 03 983 5525 Your Business, Your Industry, Your News. Volume 6 | Issue 2 | April 2021 www.waterfordpress.co.nz ‘Excellence in Energy’ Taranaki’s Todd Energy will have a key role to play as New Zealand moves toward a low emissions economy. 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