Business Central May 2022

| 87 Carbon neutral goals The new Naenae Pool and Fitness Centre project brings positive outcomes to the community, while also delivering against Hutt City Council’s carbon neutral goals, with 80 percent of the existing facility materials being repurposed or recycled. Positive, lasting impact for communities and our planet. In December 2020, AECOM, an international infrastructure consulting ƮUP ZDV DSSRLQWHG WR SURYLGH 3URMHFW Management services for the demolition and construction of Hutt City Council’s Naenae Pool and Fitness Centre. The UHSODFHPHQW RI WKH SRRO DQG ƮWQHVV FHQWUH RƬHUV D XQLTXH RQFH LQ D OLIHWLPH opportunity to revitalise the Naenae Community through the return of a KLJK TXDOLW\ UHJLRQDO OHDGLQJ DTXDWLF experience and to reimagine the form and function of the Naenae community centre. ,GHQWLƮHG DV D nVKRYHO UHDG\o SURMHFW WR KHOS NLFN VWDUW WKH &29,' HFRQRPLF recovery, the Naenae Pool and Fitness Centre is an ambitious project with a tightly scheduled programme. Despite this, AECOM is working diligently to keep this project on track for delivery. :KHQ $(&20 ƮUVW FDPH RQ ERDUG DW WKH project’s inception, the project budget was assessed to determine if the needs of the community would be met while keeping within the approved budget. $(&20 FKDOOHQJHG WKH VWDWXV TXR WKURXJK D TXDQWLWDWLYH ULVN DVVHVVPHQW to check the budget was correct and relevant for the current market. Here, the WHDP LGHQWLƮHG WKH QHHG WR LQFUHDVH WKH project budget to enable the new pool to meet a wide range of community and sporting needs and revitalise the town centre from its commencement. With this information, Hutt City Council was able to incorporate the revised project budget ZLWKLQ WKHLU ORQJ WHUP SODQ IRU WKH FLW\ AECOM is also leading the procurement strategy for the project on behalf of the Hutt City Council. With the council’s strong desire to give back to the local community by providing employment and upskilling opportunities, AECOM and the wider project team have a focus on procuring local resources to service and construct the project where possible. ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR FRPPXQLW\ EHQHƮWV AECOM and the wider project team are focused on sustainable legacies E\ GHOLYHULQJ HQYLURQPHQWDO EHQHƮWV throughout the entire project lifecycle to achieve Hutt City Council’s carbon neutral ambitions. During the demolition of the existing facility and community hall, large amounts (approximately 80 percent) of materials and debris have been repurposed or recycled. The Naenae community was engaged before the demolition to secure any memorabilia. As a result, many of the recovered items have been donated to the local community or retained for reuse in the new facility. For example, the pool and glass tiles have been donated to the public due to the memories they hold. Wood has been recovered and donated to Menzshed New Zealand for repurposing. The existing pool structure has been recycled and will be used in the construction of the new facility. ,WoV QR VXUSULVH WKDW &29,' FRQWLQXHV to be a challenge. With the constantly changing environment, the team adopted D FKDQJH DSSURDFK FRQVWUXFWLRQ procurement strategy. AECOM has remained agile in response to these changes and continues to work with Hutt City Council, advising on the risks DQG EHQHƮWV WR VHOHFW WKH EHVW ƮW IRU the project. Demolition of the existing Naenae pool was completed in April 2022, with a goal for the new facility to be fully complete and operational by August 2024. AECOM is proud to be working with Hutt City Council and the wider project team to GHOLYHU D QHZ SRRO DQG ƮWQHVV FHQWUH IRU the Naenae community and contribute to WKH ORQJ WHUP SODQ IRU +XWW &LW\ Delivering sustainable value to the Naenae community