| 89 Within all four Resilient River Communities projects HBRC has a strong drive to connect the people of the region and engage local businesses to take up the vast amount of work ahead. COMMUNITY Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: Resilient River Communities munity engagement have been a key aspect of the Wairoa project. Involvement with Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust, Matangirau Reserves Board, and Wairoa District Council is getting the desired outcome of connecting people through upstream bush planting, engaging with local businesses, and employing people from the region. Within all four Resilient River Communities projects HBRC has a strong drive to connect the people of the region and engage local businesses to take up the vast amount of work ahead. As contracts continue to be awarded Hawke’s Bay wide for planting, construction, and repairs there will surely be a gain in the community. The combined projects involve a huge amount of work and Martina has nothing but praise for the commitment shown by all the HBRC staff, local businesses, and contractors involved as they pull together to complete within three years the projects intended to protect the communities for significantly longer than that.