Business Central May 2022

| 9 Hamilton: BODCO Dairy BODCO Dairy supplies global markets with high quality nutritional and lifestyle milk powderbased products. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT NEW ZEALAND’S LEADER IN HIGH QUALITY, SPECIALISED BULK BAG PRODUCTS We supply top quality bulk packaging solutions for your industry needs. Trust us, we’ve been doing it for 25 years. EXONEDJFR FR Q] _ RȹFH#EXONEDJFR FR Q] _ %$*6 8 Oj i Fibre Solut ions Packaging 0800 220 500 | oj i Providing BODCO DAIRY with quality corrugate packaging, made from renewable, sustainably harvested forestry and recycled wood fibre. Proud to be supporting BODCO DAIRY Specialists in Rural Water Filtration & Treatment Whole Farmwater treatment to remove Iron & Manganese Whole House filtration for Bore & Rainwater Ultraviolet Sterilisers to remove E.Coli Filtration to address low pH & water hardness Site visits &Water testing 07 834 0696 Hamilton thing really different for the digestive system. In its natural form it’s significantly lower in lactose compared with bovine milk,” she says. Nic lists other areas of interest for BODCO Dairy including products for the immune system, which have become a trend in a pandemic environment. B& I is the brand BODCO Dairy has developed (meaning balance and immunity) and it will be released to its first market later this year with the ability to be rolled out over multiple international markets. The shift in strategy has seen BODCO Dairy need to up skill staff or employ people to fulfil the skill-sets it requires. Both say the new direction makes sense as it allows BODCO Dairy to leverage off its existing expertise and manufacturing plant to add additional value. BODCO Dairy’s blending and canning plant has been designed and constructed as a state-of-the-art pharmaceutical grade dairy manufacturing facility. Incorporating quality assurance and product tracing measures, BODCO Dairy provides complete transparency over the manufacturing process, exceeding world-class food safety standards and customer con dence, says Nic. “The engagement from our team to this new direction has been exciting,” she says. “It’s been great for them to be part of the journey and where that journey will take us who knows. BODCO’s technical capability, flexibility and ability to innovate continue to be a real point of difference.” “There is a global trend towards premium-isation and humanisation, feeding pets premium products that in the past would have been fed only to humans.”