Business Central May 2022

92 | Hospital opening due in 2024 T T from page 90 Demolition work on the old hospital buildings. Stage two, a brand-new Hospital which will include seven new theatres and hold 37-inpatient beds and a 10 ICU/HDU bed ward. COMMUNITY Evolution Healthcare - Hawkins Construction: Wakefield Hospital Redevelopment Sue describes the specialist centre as a very beautiful building, with a lovely open, inviting feel to it. “Feedback we have received from specialists and visitors is that the facility is a pleasure to be in.” Underway now, is Stage 2, a brand-new Hospital which will include 7 new theatres and hold 37-inpatient beds and a 10 ICU/HDU bed ward. And with an eye to managing increased demand over time, an additional fifth floor is being built and will be left empty until a later time. Sue says the opening in 2024 of Wakefield Hospital will end a major construction project, ably undertaken by Hawkins Construction. “They have been wonderful on the site and the construction is going to schedule. “There’s been some impact on fixtures and fittings and building supplies through the COVID supply-chain challenges, but we have found ways to work with this to keep the build moving forward well.” Evolution Healthcare are also engaged in projects at Wellington’s Bowen Hospital, where operating theatre areas have been increased, while in Hawke’s Bay at Royston Hospital, Hastings, a new day-surgery facility and two additional operating theatres will soon be commissioned. “We’ve also undertaken an upgrade and extension of theatres at Tauranga’s Grace Hospital.” Sue acknowledges the dedication and hard work of the General Manager’s at each of their hospitals and says the quality of staff and the care they extend to patients is world-class. “We’ve always strived to be the very best health care provider and when the major work being undertaken at Wakefield Hospital has ended, patients, staff and specialists using the facilities will enjoy the very best of environments.” “Serious Electrical Contractors” KAPITI - 04 296 1727 | WELLINGTON - 04 568 2323 Domestic | Commercial | Industrial We are pleased to be working in association with On the redevelopment of Wakefield Hospital Stones Electrical Contractors Ltd Hawkins Construction For: Evolution Healthcare Providing integrated security solutions to protect people and assets