| 15 The development sits on approximately 26 hectares of land being developed into 30 commercial lots and 70 residential lots. T T Meeting business needs - page 16 CJ Mahony - South Taranaki Business Park REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT • Building Structures • Industrial Facilities • Land & Infrastructure • Subsoil Investigations Proudly supporting CJ Mahony 06 759 0999 | www.redjacket.co.nz | 3 Davidson St, New Plymouth South Taranaki District Council does not own any land within the business park and is working alongside active developers who are generating demand in the area. The total area of the land South Taranaki District Council has earmarked for future business park growth is 60ha. Council is upgrading roads and putting infrastructure in the ground to allow for this future development. A water main up SH3 and along Kerry Lane and Fitzgerald Lane has been recently completed. Designs for water, wastewater, stormwater and roading infrastructure are nearing completion. Significant infrastructure upgrades in the wider business park area are scheduled to begin next summer 2023/24. CJ says that the South Taranaki Business Park is a strategic initiative designed to encourage greater private sector investment, sustainable economic growth, innovation, employment and resilience in the district. While the Council’s initial proposal was to develop the business park in three stages from 2021-27 strong demand in CJ’s West End Precinct has resulted in stages one and two being delivered simultaneously. CJ says the business park will allow for growth and development of local businesses as well as encourage those from outside the region to set up shop in Hāwera. People interested in the development can enquire via www.stbp.co.nz or through McDonald Real Estate.