Business Central October 2023

18 | REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Tasman Tanning Company T T Rosa Watson Staff grading skins at Tasman Tanning’s despatch grading area. Dye house floor (below). A Whanganui-based leather producer is taking a lead in sustainability within industry. Tasman Tanning Co. Ltd, a family-owned business, is Australasia’s only end-to-end leather processor and recently celebrated 70 years in business. Hides from meat processing plants around the country, including ANZCO and Silver Fern Farms, are taken from their raw form to a semi processed or finished product that is sent around the world. The company processes 35 per cent of the hide harvest in the country each year. The majority of its finished product is used for industrial footwear, and also for casual footwear such as products produced by R M Williams ,Steel Blue, Blundstones and Business taking a lead in sustainability T T to page 20 Redback. Other product makes its way to a client in the United States of America to be used primarily for furniture, and some is used domestically for furniture. They also produce aviation grade leather for aircraft in New Zealand, and in automotive products. CEO Neville Dyer said part of the company’s success was the “New Zealand story”. “(The country has) a strong agricultural base, and is recognized as having world class farming practices and that our animals are free range and grass fed. The leather we produce is from hides and skins that are the by – product of this well managed and controlled industry.” Being a family-owned business with the original family still in ownership was also a drawcard, offering stability to clients. Darrell Hoskin MANAGER 390 Heads Rd, Wanganui 4501 PH: 06 344 7002 FAX: 06 344 7449 MOB: 027 437 0095