Business Central October 2022

14 | Taranaki: BOON REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT ‘Enhancing the local’ in Taranaki Kim Newth BOON provides innovative solutions to complex design challenges, such as Green School NZ. to page 16 New Plymouth’s longest serving architectural practice, BOON, are a dynamic and engaged team of design thinkers, problem solvers and project managers working to create meaningful change and better communities. Founded in 1974, BOON and its people have made a significant contribution to Aotearoa’s built landscape. The practice has nurtured some of the country’s best architectural talent who have gone on to become leaders in their own right. In their home province, BOON supports many local industries, initiatives and events and has been a proud partner of the WOMAD - world of music, arts and dance - festival since its inception in2003. “We really missed this iconic festival in the past two years, so we can’t wait to be a part of it again in 2023,” observes Erin Wesley, BOON Operations Manager. Working across architecture, landscape and urban design, event, brand and way-finding, and event and site experience, BOON provides innovative solutions to complex design challenges. The 30-strong team works collaboratively with consultants, contractors and clients and is passionate about contributing to meaningful social and environmental change. “We know our role as designers is to provide spaces that improve the social, cultural, environmental and economic outcomes for our communities,” says BOON Director Glenn Brebner. “Enhancing the local is part of who we are.”